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Showing posts from September, 2014

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

How to get flat belly in a week

How to get flat belly in a week I know, it is not easy to get flat belly fast. Many people cannot get a flat stomach because they do not know exactly what they should do. They get some info from here and there. They start to do abs exercises everyday, but see no results. Others buy “magic” machines and pills. Somebody goes on a dangerous diet, but that desired flat abdomen just does not come. Here are 4 Belly Fat Myths that May be Holding You Back: Myth #1:   Extra Crunches for A Flat Stomach Extra crunches don’t lead to tight abs. The truth is that everyone has ab muscles. They just stay hidden underneath a thick layer of fat on the stomach. If you want a toned look, you need to focus on burning the layer of fat that may be covering your belly. The key is to not obsess about crunches, but focus on burning fat . Myth #2: Starve yourself to get A Flat Stomach At times, you may think that starving yourself is the only way to lose weight and get a fl...

How to get rid of Head Lice Fast

Head lice infestations are a common issue for school-going   kids, who happen to infest one another in the classroom. Lice are annoying and unpleasant, yet with tirelessness, you can be rid of them for good after a week or two. Body lice and canine lice are likewise conceivable to handle if you comprehend what tools to use. See Step 1 and beyond for prospective solutions on banishing lice from your home starting today. Homemade Head Lice Treatment Garlic The strong fragrance of garlic can suffocate lice, ultimately killing them. Grind eight to 10 garlic cloves into a paste and mix in two to three teaspoons of lime juice. Apply the mixture thoroughly onto the scalp. Leave it on for a half an hour and then rinse the hair thoroughly with hot water. Alternatively, you can make a thick paste by combining fresh garlic juice with some cooking oil, lemon extract, green tea and some shampoo and conditioner. Coat the hair thoroughly with the paste and cover your ...

How to Gain Weight Fast for Women

Most women don't go out of their way to gain weight. If you're underweight, however, you may incur health risks, or endanger a potential or existing pregnancy. In a study published in the Journal "Obesity," researchers reported that underweight people were 70 percent more likely to die an early death than people of normal weight. If you suspect you're seriously underweight, you may need to take steps toward healthy weight gain.              Gain Weight Fast with Proper Eating You can simply start putting on weight by eating from time to time. If you are too skinny, you may have a very high metabolism rate. You need to eat more protein and more frequently because of a high metabolism. Egg yolks, meat with animal fat, etc. are a very common source of healthy fats. If you want to gain weight without adding harmful fat to your body, then you can simply try out these foods. Eat later at night Di...

How to remove Acne Scars

Acne scars can occur from bad breakouts of zits, pimples or moderate acne clusters. Most of the time, scars are formed because of added irritation to affected areas, such as picking or rubbing the acne formations. However, sometimes the acne can be inflamed to a more severe state, and scarring can develop regardless of added irritation. There are several medical and cosmetic procedures that can help get rid of acne scars, such as laser treatment, dermabrasion, tissue fillers and surgery and so on. However, most of these procedures are quite expensive and in most cases will not be covered by insurance. Fortunately, there are several home treatments and natural remedies for acne scars too, many of which are quite effective in the lightening and perhaps even the gradual removal of the scars. Given below are some of the most widely recommended remedies for acne scars : Home remedies for Acne Scars Ice Rub a few pieces of ice directly on to the areas of skin that ...

Homemade hair oil for white hair

The natural color of hair is due to the cells in the hair follicles known as melanocytes which generate a pigment which gives color to the hair. When melanocytes stop producing these pigments, due to increasing age, your hair starts to lose its natural color which leads to graying of hair. As a person ages, the melanin pigment of the hair decreases gradually, which causes graying of hair. Nowadays it is very common for the people under the age groups of 35 to have gray hair. Though one cannot prevent the natural cycle of whitening of hair, but you can always prevent your hair from premature graying.  Home remedies are very helpful in curing premature graying of hair effectively. Here are 2 homemade hair oil to prevent white hair. They will also help white hair to turn black. Homemade Amla Hair oil for white hair Amla, as it is known, Indian gooseberry is the most talked about ingredient in Ayurveda for all hair problems, leave alone the color of hair! It is...