How to get flat belly in a week I know, it is not easy to get flat belly fast. Many people cannot get a flat stomach because they do not know exactly what they should do. They get some info from here and there. They start to do abs exercises everyday, but see no results. Others buy “magic” machines and pills. Somebody goes on a dangerous diet, but that desired flat abdomen just does not come. Here are 4 Belly Fat Myths that May be Holding You Back: Myth #1: Extra Crunches for A Flat Stomach Extra crunches don’t lead to tight abs. The truth is that everyone has ab muscles. They just stay hidden underneath a thick layer of fat on the stomach. If you want a toned look, you need to focus on burning the layer of fat that may be covering your belly. The key is to not obsess about crunches, but focus on burning fat . Myth #2: Starve yourself to get A Flat Stomach At times, you may think that starving yourself is the only way to lose weight and get a fl...
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