How to get flat belly in a week Skip to main content

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How to get flat belly in a week

How to get flat belly in a week
I know, it is not easy to get flat belly fast. Many people cannot get a flat stomach because they do not know exactly what they should do. They get some info from here and there. They start to do abs exercises everyday, but see no results. Others buy “magic” machines and pills. Somebody goes on a dangerous diet, but that desired flat abdomen just does not come.

Here are 4 Belly Fat Myths that May be Holding You Back:

Myth #1: Extra Crunches for A Flat Stomach

Extra crunches don’t lead to tight abs. The truth is that everyone has ab muscles. They just stay hidden underneath a thick layer of fat on the stomach. If you want a toned look, you need to focus on burning the layer of fat that may be covering your belly. The key is to not obsess about crunches, but focus on burning fat.

Myth #2: Starve yourself to get A Flat Stomach

At times, you may think that starving yourself is the only way to lose weight and get a flat stomach. Starving yourself is not only ineffective, but also dangerous for your overall well-being. You may think that severe calorie reduction may lead to better and quick results. It is important to understand that the human body is complex. As a result, starving yourself may disrupt your body’s metabolism. This will only slow down results. It is important not to starve yourself, but eat wholesome meals after short intervals of time. Eating less may be the key to weight loss, but starving yourself is not.

(read: Home remedies to get flat stomach)

Myth #3: Avoid Carbohydrates for Tight Abs

Many notions and misconceptions make you think that carbohydrates are bad for your health. However, if you are one of the people who believe this, it is quite unfortunate. You can eat carbohydrates while slimming down. As mentioned earlier, it is important to avoid packaged foods and stick with oatmeal, whole grains and brown rice. In other words, you should stick with wholesome carbs rather than giving up all carbohydrates.

Myth #4: Diet Pills and Supplements

Well, diet pills and supplements can be quite tempting. There are many pills and supplements which claim to give you a flat stomach. However, you should not fall for it as there is no ‘magic pill’ available in the market. In fact, diet pills and supplements are more likely to hurt your pocket than showing any results on your belly. Instead of popping a pill, it will be better to burn calories with intense exercise.

(read: Exercise to reduce fat faster)

4 Things that Actually Work:

Do compound lifting exercises! Instead of isolating exercises like crunches, which burn little to no overall fat from your body, you should spend your time doing multi-muscle lifting exercises that trigger your body to burn a TON of fat all at once. Strength exercises that force you to use as many different muscle groups as possible , such as the deadlift and box squat, are the best way to do this! Believe it or not, the deadlift uses more muscles per lift than any other exercise on the planet. The deadlift makes your abs strain to stabilize and support weight in ways that crunches can only dream of.

Eat to feed your muscles! If you want your body to burn fat from your belly, you should eat well and eat often. How often? Every 4-5 hours is optimal if you want to keep your metabolism revved up, and your muscles full of energy. How well? 3 small meals and 2-3 snacks a day, with each meal consisting of a lean protein source (like a cup of greek yogurt or a piece of grilled chicken the size of your palm) and a serving of fruit and veggies (an apple and a cup or so of raw chopped red peppers). Your muscles also need a lot of water too – so be sure to drink at least 6 – 8 glasses per day! The goal is to stress your body in a controlled and safe way and then do everything you can to help it heal by feeding it with only the best food. Not eating properly will force your body to get energy for your workout from the destruction of your tissues (i.e. your muscle).

Practice “cardio sandwiching”. What the hell is THAT? I am not telling you to wolf down a sandwich mid-run :). I am talking about strategic positioning of your cardio sessions during your workout.  Instead of doing cardio in one long 40 minute haul, break up your cardio into 2 mini sessions: one 10 minute session before your lift, and one 10 minute session after your lift. This will take the fat burning power of your lift to a whole new level by revving up your heart rate and core body temperature. Combine this with a second short run after you lift and this will increase the calories burned post-workout like crazy. But don’t get too eager – limit this method to no more than twice a week
LOVE healthy carbs… especially after a workout! Carbs are required for proper muscle performance and building. The OPTIMAL time to get your healthy dose of carbs is immediately following your workout. Why? Well, post-workout is when your muscles glycogen stores are most depleted, and in great need of some muscle-repairing nutrition. It turns out that this replenishing process is super active during the first 45 minutes after you workout. You want to grow muscle and lose fat faster? Eat a source of starchy crabs and an easily digestible protein source (protein drink, greek yogurt) immediately after your workout.
Looking s**y is a symptom of lifting strong and eating right. If you want a flat belly you need to start feeding your body and actually challenging your muscles. For most people this can be achieved by learning how to safely lift weights and eat properly.


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