8 Effective Home Remedies To Increase Breast Milk Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

8 Effective Home Remedies To Increase Breast Milk

Being a mother and giving birth is an achievement. Breastfeeding the baby strengthens the emotional bond between mother and the baby. It is advised that for proper growth and development baby should be given only mother’s milk for 6 months after his birth and no new food should be introduced before 6 months. Breast milk provides calories, proteins and all the important minerals, vitamins and antioxidants to the newborn. As a mother, you must be worried if you will able to supply a sufficient amount of milk to your baby for 6 months.

Foods That Increase the Breast Milk Production


This is a traditional remedy from the country of Indonesia and is known to help stimulate and increase milk production without any adverse effects on the baby or the mother. Torbangun is a plant, which is more commonly known as country borage. Hence it is one of the best natural remedies to increase breast milk. The mother should use the plant’s leaves in soup or any other liquid food and chew them well.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds also help increase breast milk production. This herb acts as a galactogogue, a substance that helps the body produce more breast milk. Plus, fennel seeds aid digestion and help prevent colic pain in small babies. Add one tablespoon of fennel seeds to one cup of hot water. Cover the cup, let it steep for 30 minutes, and then strain the solution. Drink the tea twice daily for a month. Alternatively, mix together one-half cup each of fennel seeds, cumin seeds and rock candy (misri) in a bowl. Grind the ingredients to make a fine powder. Have one teaspoon of it with one cup of milk three times a day for one or two weeks.
Also try to include fennel seeds in your cooking.

Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds are also believed to stimulate milk production. Plus, cumin seeds improve digestion and provide relief from constipation, acidity and bloating. They are also a source of iron that provides strength to new mothers after childbirth. Mix one teaspoon of cumin power with one teaspoon of sugar. Have this mixture with a glass of warm milk daily before going to bed for a few weeks. Alternatively, add two teaspoons of cumin seeds to one-half cup of water and boil it. Strain the solution and add one-half cup of milk and one teaspoon of honey. Mix well and drink once daily for several weeks.


Drumsticks are a very common ingredient in south Indian cuisines. However, drumsticks can also help lactating mothers increase their breast milk production. The best and most effective manner is to have drumsticks’ juice every day. These help the veins and vessels to open up and stimulate the mammary glands. This leads to increased breast milk and easier supply to the breasts.


The low level of iron may be a cause of decreased breast milk supply. Thus, take foods that are rich in iron. Spinach is a good source of iron. Also, it contains folic acid, calcium, minerals and other vitamins essential for nursing mothers. Also, spinach promotes body’s detoxification and prevents anemia that is common post pregnancy. Take spinach in cooked form. You may also take the juice of raw spinach. In Ayurveda, holy basil has been used to help nursing mothers increase their milk supply. This herb can stimulate milk flow as well as help calm the nerves of new mothers. Being a good source of carotene, niacin, thiamine and iron, holy basil also helps keep the mother and baby healthy and free from many diseases.In a pan, combine one cup of water and six to eight finely chopped basil leaves. Allow the mixture to boil for one to two minutes.
Reduce heat to a simmer and let it steep for about five minutes. Remove from heat and strain the mixture. Add a little honey for taste. Drink this twice daily for a few months after childbirth.


Milk is a great source of calcium and enhances the production of breast milk. Drink at least 3-4 glasses of milk every day. You may take dry fruits along with it to promote the breast milk production.


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