Homemade hair oil for white hair Skip to main content

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Homemade hair oil for white hair

The natural color of hair is due to the cells in the hair follicles known as melanocytes which generate a pigment which gives color to the hair. When melanocytes stop producing these pigments, due to increasing age, your hair starts to lose its natural color which leads to graying of hair.
As a person ages, the melanin pigment of the hair decreases gradually, which causes graying of hair. Nowadays it is very common for the people under the age groups of 35 to have gray hair.
Though one cannot prevent the natural cycle of whitening of hair, but you can always prevent your hair from premature graying.  Home remedies are very helpful in curing premature graying of hair effectively.

Here are 2 homemade hair oil to prevent white hair. They will also help white hair to turn black.

Homemade Amla Hair oil for white hair

Amla, as it is known, Indian gooseberry is the most talked about ingredient in Ayurveda for all hair problems, leave alone the color of hair! It is one of the richest sources of antioxidant vitamin C. If you include gooseberry in your diet, you will not only help your hair to grow fast and prevent from graying but you will also ensure that you remain healthy. Here is the recipe for homemade amla oil to be prepared by you so that you can stop premature graying of your hair.


• Amla powder- 2 tsp (see the recipe below to know how to get powder out of gooseberry)
• Fenugreek powder (optional)- 1 tsp
• Coconut oil- 1 cup


• To make amla powder, take gooseberries pieces and dry them in shade. Once they dry completely, grind them to get their powder.
• Mix amla powder, coconut oil and fenugreek powder (if using) in a pan.
• Heat the pan on low flame.
• When you notice the oil turning brown, put off the flame.
• Allow to cool a little (watch it doesn't get solid as coconut oil tends to settle in solid state when it’s cold temperature outside)
• Strain and store the oil in a container
Use this coconut oil with all the good things of amla in it to massage your scalp and hair daily at night. Wash off your hair in the morning.

Amla Remedy for Oily Hair

If you have oily hair, you may not like to apply oil to your hair. In such a case, you can use amla water to treat your hair. For making amla water,
• Take a cup of water.
• Mix 1 tsp amla powder in it.
• Boil the water till it reduces to half of its quantity.
• You should get at least 3 teaspoons of amla water.
• Mix 3 teaspoons of lemon juice with the amla water.
• Now add this amal-lemon juice mix to the required amount of water that is needed to wash your hair.
• Wash you hair with this water.

Interesting fact:

Amla or Indian gooseberry is a fruit with a diameter of only 1 inch but it has the same antiscorbutic value as two oranges have in them. Also, amla doesn't lose its qualities whatever you do with it- boil it, make jam or pickle with it, eat it raw or process it in any form- it won’t leave its properties!

Coconut Oil-Curry Leaves

Curry leaves not only grant great aroma and taste to your dishes but also brings back lost pigments to your hair. These leaves are nature’s gift having certain pigment that can retain your original hair color. So include curry leaves in your diet. Use them to temper your gravies, boil them in water and have as tea, grind them to mix with buttermilk or curd and have tasty treats. Here is one recipe to make an excellent hair tonic with curry leaves. Make it and store for daily use.


• Coconut Oil- 100 ml
• Curry Leaves- a handful of them; you may also increase the amount.


• Mix curry leaves with coconut oil.
• Boil them together.
• If it’s winter, your coconut oil will be in solid state. So, first heat it to melt and then add curry leaves to boil them.
• When the leaves turn black, put off the flame.
• Strain the oil and store in an air tight container.
Apply this oil to your hair daily at night and massage your scalp (only scalp) with fingers gently. Massage for about 15-20 minutes. Leave it overnight and wash off your hair the next morning. Use this oil for at least 3 months to get results.

Interesting fact:

British actress Anna Friel drinks tea made of curry leaves every day to preserve the natural color of her hair. She boils the leaves in water and drinks the hot beverage after she noticed two strands of gray hair post her illness recently.
