How to Gain Weight Fast for Women Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

How to Gain Weight Fast for Women

Most women don't go out of their way to gain weight. If you're underweight, however, you may incur health risks, or endanger a potential or existing pregnancy. In a study published in the Journal "Obesity," researchers reported that underweight people were 70 percent more likely to die an early death than people of normal weight. If you suspect you're seriously underweight, you may need to take steps toward healthy weight gain.


Gain Weight Fast with Proper Eating

You can simply start putting on weight by eating from time to time. If you are too skinny, you may have a very high metabolism rate. You need to eat more protein and more frequently because of a high metabolism. Egg yolks, meat with animal fat, etc. are a very common source of healthy fats. If you want to gain weight without adding harmful fat to your body, then you can simply try out these foods.

Eat later at night

Diet experts are always saying to stop eating after 7:00 PM to lose weight, so how about eating later to gain weight? I think it stands to reason that you'll gain more weight if you eat later. Well, according to this post from MSN, you will. So, if I wanted to gain weight, I would eat dinner late and I'd have a late-night high calorie snack too to help me do it.

Start Weight Training to Gain Weight

You should not only plan on diet to gain weight, but also start weight training so that the combination of both can give you the body you desire. If you don’t plan to be a body builder, you should always do with light exercise training. After your workout, sit and rest a while and have orange or banana juice. This will not only increase your calorie intake, but also stimulate the process of gaining weight.

Take Dietary Supplements to Gain Weight

You should consult with your doctor first before taking any kind of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are used to cover your body’s need. Taking supplements without consulting the doctor might turn out risky. It may cause an over consumption of vitamin which may lead to several complications.

Add oil and butter in your diet

I love cooking with oil, but I try to avoid it because I'm trying to lose weight, not gain it. But If you are trying to gain weight, you should add more oil and butter in your favorite foods. Just because someone's trying to gain weight doesn't mean they have to be unhealthy - I think olive oil is great for you as well as organic butter! Plus, I think those extra calories could help you put on quite some pounds. Fats have more than twice as many calories per gram than carbohydrates or protein (9 calories per gram vs. 4 calories per gram), so foods that are 100% fat have the most calories per volume. Olive oil, which is pure fat, contains 1920 calories per cup. Any food that has a lot of fat in it will have a high calorie density.

Snack dense

Choose calorie-dense snacks like nuts, cheese, dried fruits, yogurt with granola, avocados, and pretzels or whole grain crackers with nut butters or hummus. If leaving the house for a while, pack snacks for calories-on-the-go.

Additional Information on Weight Gain:

·       Always try to eat healthy even after you gain weight.
·       Drink lots of water and be hydrated as it helps while the body is gaining weight.
·       If you are weight training then keep a check on the intake of calories.
·       Sudden weight gain might cause stretch marks.
·       Don’t do overeating as it may cause bloating.
·       Exercise in a right way to get healthy weight gain.
·       Track your weight status everyday same time.

Dress nice

Don’t put off feeling good about your appearance. Talk nicely to yourself and choose outfits that make you feel good, no matter what you weigh.


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