How to remove Acne Scars Skip to main content

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How to remove Acne Scars

Acne scars can occur from bad breakouts of zits, pimples or moderate acne clusters. Most of the time, scars are formed because of added irritation to affected areas, such as picking or rubbing the acne formations. However, sometimes the acne can be inflamed to a more severe state, and scarring can develop regardless of added irritation.

There are several medical and cosmetic procedures that can help get rid of acne scars, such as laser treatment, dermabrasion, tissue fillers and surgery and so on. However, most of these procedures are quite expensive and in most cases will not be covered by insurance. Fortunately, there are several home treatments and natural remedies for acne scars too, many of which are quite effective in the lightening and perhaps even the gradual removal of the scars. Given below are some of the most widely recommended remedies for acne scars :

Home remedies for Acne Scars


Rub a few pieces of ice directly on to the areas of skin that have been affected by the scars. Ice has a soothing effect on the skin, and this helps to overcome the inflammation and hastens the healing. However, for best results, this exercise should be carried out at least 3 or 4 times a day. Rub ice cubes on to your skin for around 15 minutes at a time, or even longer, if possible. This is one of the most effective home remedies for acne scar removal.

Olive Oil

If used every day, this treatment can help lighten scars considerably and gradually reduces their visibility.
Lemon Juice: When it comes to reducing the appearance of acne scars on the face, lemon juice is usually very effective. This natural treatment not only brings about a reduction in the scars naturally, but also helps to lighten the skin tone. For maximum effectiveness, the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon should be applied on to the skin and left on for at least 15 to 20 minutes, before it is washed off.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This remedy is used for alleviating several skin-related problems, which includes acne scars. Dip a small ball of cotton in the vinegar and apply it on to those parts of the skin where the acne scars are present. After around 10 to 15 minutes rinse the skin with water. This exercise needs to be carried out twice a day.


Several spas and salons use this home remedy in lightening skin scars. Cucumber not only soothes the skin inflammation, but also speeds up the healing process. Cut a chilled cucumber into thick slices and apply them on to your skin for around 20 to 30 minutes.

Baking Soda

Being a natural cleanser, baking soda can help to relieve many skin conditions, including acne scars. Mix a small amount of baking soda in water, to make a thick paste. Dampen the acne scar-affected skin and apply the paste on it, using circular motions. After around 10 or 15 minutes, rinse the skin with warm water.

Fastest ways to get rid of Acne scars

Laser Surgery

In laser surgery the acne scarred layer of your skin is burned off so a new scar free layer of skin can grow back in its place.


Dermabrasion is just like laser surgery except for that instead of a laser your dermatologist will use a sanding tool that is basically a metal brush or a diamond tipped spinning blade to remove the layer of skin scarred by acne so that a new layer of skin can grow back in its place

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are just basically SUPER exfoliators but unlike the exfoliators you use at home… The chemicals used in chemical peels are more advanced and harsher and… When you do a chemical peel a lot more of the acne scarred skin is removed making room for new acne free skin to grow but chemical peels work best only with cases of minor acne scarring.


Microdermabrasion is almost like dermabrasion except that a lot less skin is removed and just like a chemical peel… Microdermabrasion should only be used for cases of minor acne scarring.

Steroid Injections

Steroid injections kill off your acne scars and then your body has to heal the affected areas by growing back better skin and steroids are good for moderate cases of acne scars.

Skin Needling

Just like steroid injections Skin needling also works by damaging the scarred areas of your skin so your body will heal itself by growing back better skin.

Fillers or Augmentation Therapy

In Filler or Augmentation therapy "fillers" made of collagen or silicon are used to raise your skin that was damaged from acne up to the same level as you’re undamaged or acne free areas of your skin sunken due to acne.


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