How to do Water Fasting for Rapid weight loss Skip to main content

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How to do Water Fasting for Rapid weight loss

You may have engaged in water fasting for religious reasons or as preparation for a medical procedure. Trying to lose weight with water fasting is less common, though, and best undertaken only with supervision of a medical professional. You'd experience rapid weight loss when you imbibe nothing but water, but this type of dietary strategy comes with some risks and may not be safe for everyone. Talk to your doctor before starting a water fast.

How Does Water Fasting Help In Weight Loss?

For the first two days during your water fasting phase, all you lose is the water weight. The fats start to burn from the 3rd day of water fasting phase. When you stop eating, your digestive system stops working. Your body slows down, except the brain and the heart. The stored fat is now broken down to provide energy for all involuntary and voluntary functions of the body. Water helps to get rid of the toxins and any waste present in the colon. This further helps you to lose a good chunk of weight. All this coupled with the right amount of daily exercise (depending on the body type and the body’s current activity level) will help you to lose a considerable amount of flab.

How to lose weight with water

Drink a glass of water before every meal. The feeling of fullness will help you eat less, thus consuming fewer calories for improved weight loss results. Drink a full glass of water before, during, and after a meal to aid digestion and speed weight loss from the water. The water will help your body to break down the food and absorb its nutrients.

Replace sweetened drinks with water. Instead of drinking soda, alcoholic beverages, smoothies, or other high-calorie drinks, grab a glass or bottle of water. Swapping in a zero-calorie beverage for high-calorie alternatives can spare you hundreds of calories per day, further aiding in weight loss.

Drink water and cut salt intake to lose water weight. Reducing the amount of dietary salt you consume can help you lose water weight quickly, particularly when combined with an increase in daily water intake. Try other flavors and spices instead of salt to flavor foods. Fresh herbs or garlic do not have negative health impacts and can be added to up the flavor of many foods. If a brand offers a low-sodium option, opt for that one. That is an easy way to enjoy the foods you love without the unnecessary salt. Many restaurants now publish nutrition information online, so you can check it before you order.

Drink at least the recommended amount of 64 ounces of water a day. Do not drink it all in one sitting, but instead have one cup of water at a time over the course of 9-10 water breaks. This is to replenish the water you lose throughout the day. Drink more water if you can; 64 ounces is the minimum. It might be best to do this over a period of time away from work and other obligations so you can focus on drinking as much water that is as fresh as possible. If you cannot do this, try the diet over a weekend when you are spending a lot of time at home. There will be a lot of bathroom breaks during this time. Stay near a restroom so you will not have to go hunting for one when the need strikes.

Remember that this is not a long-term solution. Though this diet may help you to drop weight quickly, if your overall lifestyle does not promote healthy living, you will more than likely gain this weight back.

Decide how long you want to fast for. Typically, just a few days is best. If you do not think you can tolerate that long, try just a 24 hour period to start. If at the end of that 24 hours you feel as if you can continue, feel free to do so. Remember that this is a temporary way to try and lose weight quickly. If you cannot follow-through with the entire fast, it is fine to stop and resume normal eating habits. Do the fast intermittently. Do a short fast, and then try it again in a few weeks or a month.

Eat lightly for a few days to prepare your body for the fast. Up your water intake, eat an increased amount of fruits and vegetables, only lean meats, and brown rice. Avoid adding salt to your food, as these help the body to retain water versus passing it, which is what you would want.


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