Being a mother and giving birth is an achievement. Breastfeeding the baby strengthens the emotional bond between mother and the baby. It is advised that for proper growth and development baby should be given only mother’s milk for 6 months after his birth and no new food should be introduced before 6 months. Breast milk provides calories, proteins and all the important minerals, vitamins and antioxidants to the newborn. As a mother, you must be worried if you will able to supply a sufficient amount of milk to your baby for 6 months. Foods That Increase the Breast Milk Production Torbangun This is a traditional remedy from the country of Indonesia and is known to help stimulate and increase milk production without any adverse effects on the baby or the mother. Torbangun is a plant, which is more commonly known as country borage. Hence it is one of the best natural remedies to increase breast milk. The mother should use the plant’s leaves in soup or any other liquid food a...
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