How to get Flat tummy with some Light Exercise Skip to main content

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How to get Flat tummy with some Light Exercise

We Indians have this problem of a protruding tummy even if we are slim otherwise. It has to do with the way we eat and our lack of exercise. Most people think they need to join expensive gyms and do 100 crunches everyday to get those celeb-like flat abs. But the truth is it is just about eating the right food, doing some belly-busting yoga poses and trying these simple exercises.

How to get Flat tummy with some Light Exercise 

Crunches / Sit ups

This exercise is beneficial for your upper abdomen. Lay on the floor and hold your hands by your ears rather than behind your head to prevent a neck strain. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor. Then lift your shoulders and upper back up and away from the floor with your face pointing toward the ceiling. Exhale as you come up as far as you can, hold for a second, then inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat 15-25 times.

Punch your way to a flat stomach.

Take your workout indoors with boxing. Aerobic kickboxing is more than just a great belly fat-burning, cardio workout. All those arm thrusts and high kicks firm abs, too.

Pike and Extend

Lie on the floor with your legs extended over your hips (see the left image). Then crunch up so your hands reach towards your feet. Then bring your arms back overhead while at the same time you lower your left leg towards the floor. Then crunch up again while your hands reach both your toes, but this time when you bring your arms back overhead, lower your right leg towards the floor. Repeat 20 times alternating sides.

The Plank

Lie down on your tummy and then come on your palms and toes. Lift the knees off the floor. Draw your tummy muscles up and breathe deeply into the side and back of the rib cage. Aim to hold the pose for 30 seconds.

Side Plank

Lie on your right side while your legs are extended and your feet and hips resting on the floor on top of each other. Your right elbow should be directly under your shoulder as per the illustration. Then contract your core muscles and lift your hips and knees off the floor. Hold for as long as you can and then return to the starting position. Then do the other side and repeat.

Add avocado to your diet

Just half an avocado contains 10 grams of MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids), which halt blood sugar spikes that tell your body to store fat around your belly. Eat these in ¼ cup servings to ward off belly fat without overdoing it.

Talk and walk

Instead of catching up with friends over food and drinks, suggest a reunion on the move—you're likely to work out 104% harder if you have an exercise buddy. Suggest a weekly walk-and-talk session, form a friendly fitness club, or try a new class at the gym together.
