Parineeti Chopra Weight Loss secrets, Exercise and Diet Plan Skip to main content

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Parineeti Chopra Weight Loss secrets, Exercise and Diet Plan

Parineeti Chopra Weight Loss secrets, Exercise and Diet Plan

This Punjabi kudi has won millions of hearts with her acting talent. Her bindaas attitude makes her different from the rest of the actors. Yes, we are talking about Parineeti Chopra. This bubbly girl soon hogged the limelight, first due to her acting skills and then due to her tremendous weight loss. Parineeti accepts that before joining Bollywood, she used to be fat and weighed around 86 kilos.
But now Parineeti certainly looks quite in shape. Want to know how she got her curves right in place? Then read on.

Exercise regime she swears by:
  • Starting the day with jogging
  • Meditation
  • Doing yoga for an hour
  • Involving into activities that she likes, such as swimming and horse riding
  • Running on treadmill
  • Using some deadly dance moves to kill those extra calories along with improving her dance skills
  • Cardio and regular exercise

Pariniti Chopra Diel Plan for Fast Weight Loss and Curvy figure and bikini body

Breakfast: One glass of milk, brown bread with butter, two eggs- white portion only, juice sometimes.
Lunch: Dal and roti, brown rice, green salad and green leafy vegetables.
Dinner: Simple food with less oil, one glass of milk and sometimes a chocolate shake.
She also makes sure that she eats her dinner atleast two hours before going to bed.

Healthy Tips for Fans

Being overweight certainly is not flattering for anyone, however to get rid of those surplus pounds might really put you in exhausting situations. If you too wish to drop weight but you don’t have extra money to be spent on nutrition experts or personal trainers, you can embrace some easy to follow tips.

Use Available Inventory

If taking expensive gym membership is off of your list, you can put your available inventories into use. For example, you can do bicycle riding, rope skipping, climbing trees, flipping old tires, pulling chains, stair climbing etc. For getting in better shape, all you need to have is one resolved mind and keenness to give way to your creative ideas.

Pick Watery Foods

While making your choice of low carb foods, prefer picking watery foods such as cucumber, asparagus, spinach etc. Apart from making you feel fuller, these foods also render fourth macronutrient to your body. Moreover, since at times, you don’t feel like hydrating you with tasteless water, these food items will cover up the water deficit.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

The most imperative thing needed to strip off extra calories is to allow yourself come out of your comfort zone. Be prepared to challenge yourself on a daily basis to do grueling sweaty workouts. Usually nothing else but your self-made comfort zone holds you back. When you will learn to triumph the nagging feelings, you will feel like warrior, and before late, you will turn into a slender and fit person.


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