Homemade Face Packs for Removing Skin Tan- Beauty tips Skip to main content

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Homemade Face Packs for Removing Skin Tan- Beauty tips

Summer is already here, and it is time to bring out your short dresses and shades to enjoy the summer sun at the park or the beach with family and friends. Despite all the happiness and fun, at the end of the day most of us are left with ugly and unattractive sun tan on face and hands that takes away all the fun from the outing. With the lack of time, most of us, opt for quick fix solutions like a session of bleach or use chemical laden cosmetic products for instant tan removal. But all these products take a serious toll on the delicate skin of the face and show fatal side-effects in the long run. Therefore, it is best to choose home remedies to remove sun tan that not only heals the damage in a nourishing way, but is the ultimate answer to the question of how to get a clear face naturally.

Homemade Face Packs for Removing Skin Tan

Let us get to the business end of things now. Here are some face packs that you can prepare yourself at home. Remember, as mentioned before, the ingredients you need are all natural, and won’t cause any side effects. That’s certainly good news. You will also be happy to know that most of these ingredients are available easily.

Besan (Gram Flour) and Turmeric Face Pack

This face pack for tanned skin is a combo of bleaching and scrubbing with the wonder ingredient: Turmeric, often called the holy powder. It is not only important for its amazing medicinal properties, but also for its amazing effects on the skin. Turmeric adds a healthy glow to the skin and helps in reducing pigmentation and tan. Bengal gram works as a natural scrub for exfoliating the skin and removing dead cells. Mix 2 tablespoons of besan, a pinch of turmeric, 1 tablespoon of milk, and 1 tablespoon of crushed orange peel in a bowl with cold rose water. Apply on clean face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Moist the dried areas by sprinkling water on it and slowly remove the pack by scrubbing gently in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. Apply this pack once in two days for effective exfoliation and tan removal.

Saffron and Milk Face Pack

Saffron is a common ingredient in Ayurvedic preparations. It has been used for centuries for skin brightening and whitening. Take the milk in a container and warm it. Heat it up just mildly. Now add just a few drops of lime juice to the milk. Include the saffron strands into your milk and mix it well. You have your pack ready. Now massage this mixture on your face well. The pack should cover your entire face, including the ears and nose as these areas are likely to be tanned too. Keep it on your face for five to ten minutes. Wash off with cold water after this. Apply a moisturizer once you are done.

Lemon Juice

We often use lemon juice to remove scars on the face. But, we can also use it to reduce tan without making the skin dry. So, to do this, slice up a lemon and rub it on the tanned areas. Leave it on for a few minutes before you hit the bath. Doing this regularly will help you get rid of tan successfully over a period of 2-4 months. Patience is the key for natural remedies.

Honey and Papaya Pack

A few spoonfuls of papaya are all you need to ensure that your skin is bright and radiant. The enzymes in papaya have been put to use since time immemorial in skin whitening, renewal and exfoliating products. Honey makes the skin softer and supple. Together, they make an effective anti tan removal home remedy that is also cheap!

Buttermilk and Oat Meal Pack

Yet another of my favorite recommendations, this is a pack that will not disappoint! Simply mix together 3 tbsp of buttermilk with 2 tbsp of oatmeal. Massage into affected areas in circular motions. The buttermilk will soothe the skin and heal the blisters while the oats will act as a natural exfoliator, revealing younger looking skin!

Yogurt Face mask

Take a cup of plain yogurt and add the juice of one cucumber and one tomato. Next, add half a cup of gram flour (besan). Apply it on your face and neck. Leave it on for 30-45 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. Plus, simply apply some fresh yogurt on your skin daily before taking a bath. For best results, add tomato juice and lime juice to the yogurt.

Potato Face Mask

Raw potato is an excellent remedy for sun tanned skin. Surprisingly, it is rich in vitamin c and hence, works as natural bleach. It also helps soothe sunburn. Peel the skin off two to three medium-sized potatoes, cut them into chunks and put them in a blender to make a paste. Apply the paste generously all over the affected skin area. Let it dry for about 30 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. For best results, can add some lemon juice to the potato paste before applying it.

Milk, Rice Powder and Honey Bleach

Mix 2 tsp of rice powder, 2 tbsp of cold milk and 1 tsp of honey into a fine paste. Clean your face and neck thoroughly and then apply. After 20 minutes, lightly scrub using your wet hands and then wash off with cool water. This pack acts like a natural skin lightening bleach cream. It fades away tan, eliminates dead skin cells and leaves your skin silky, smooth and fair.

Cucumber and Lemon juice

Another effective way to get rid of sun tan quickly to apply a fresh paste of cold cucumber juice mixed with 2 tsp of lemon juice and then wash off after 10 minutes. Lemon juice is a great treatment for the tanned skin due to its natural skin bleaching properties and cucumber has an anti-inflammatory and cooling properties that instantly soothes sunburn skin.

Aloe Vera and Rose water Face Mask

Fresh aloe vera gel is the magic cure for tanned skin. It is extremely powerful in minerals, vitamins, enzymes and nutrients that work effectively to treat different skin problems like rashes, sunburn, and skin discoloration. Combine 2 tsp of aloe vera gel with few drops of rose water. Freeze it for 10 minutes and then soak it up into your tanned skin.


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