Beauty tips to say Bye to Anti-Aging after 30 Skip to main content

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Beauty tips to say Bye to Anti-Aging after 30

After 30 yrs., everyone worries about their skin. They have wrinkle and aging skin.So,I can say don't worry about your skin. I would like to share some beauty tips about how to say bye to anti-age skin. All the beauty ingredients are available in your home store. Let’s start ……………….

Carrot Pack-Cut half inch carrot and ½ potato, boil them, then mash it properly. Add one pinch baking soda and turmeric, mix well. Apply over your face, leave it for 2 minutes, and wash off with lukewarm water. This pack helps to reduce wrinkle and gives smooth skin.

Coconut Milk Pack-Squeeze out the milk from the grated coconuts, Apply over the skin, after 20 minutes wash off face with cold water.

Rose Water Pack-Add 2 tsp of rose water with one drop glycerin and 2 drops of lemon juice. Make a pack and apply on your face and neck with the help of cotton ball. Keep it whole day like moisturizer. Use it as a homemade moisturizer, it removes anti-age skin and gives youthful skin.

Egg Pack-Take one tsp of egg white in a bowl, add ½ tsp of malai and ½ tsp of lemon juice. Mix them well and apply on your face, keep it for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water. Do it in alternate day.

Banana Pack-Take 5 to 6 pieces of ripe banana, mash with warm water. Make a fine paste. Apply over the face and neck. Keep 10 minutes rinse with warm water.

Try above packs, see miracle in your face and give feedback.


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