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Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

S Health

S Health


S Health helps you stay fit by acting as a personal coach, trains and assists in achieving your daily goals. The various training programs helps in improving your overall fitness, health and lifestyle.

Whether you walk or run, hike or bike, play indoor or outdoor sports, you can track the various physical exercises and activities in a single step using the various built-in trackers. You can also record your step count activity using Pedometer.

S Health helps to create a balanced lifestyle pattern by recording a variety of information like your food, caffeine and water intake details. Provide your daily snacks, food, water and caffeine intake and track your diet and weight on the go while stay comfortable using the sleep & stress tracker.

Manage health and environmental records such as heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, stress, weight & SpO₂ using built-in sensors and third party devices.

Trackers enable user to easily and quickly check meaningful data based on user preferences. The intuitive charts, helpful tips and physical exercise programs guide you to achieve your fitness and diet goals. You can also personalize your Dashboard by adding or removing Goals.

Manage your fitness activities, track your weight and monitor your diet using Samsung Galaxy and Gear devices.

The App supports all Samsung smartphones starting from Galaxy S3 onwards and includes Non-Samsung Android smartphones as well.

Exercise programs such as Baby steps to 5K, Run 5K and so on are available for different running levels and you will be guided via voice prompts during workout. You can also listen to music while doing your physical exercises.

Discover the best health and fitness apps that can connect with S Health. Many health apps including , 'Technogym' and 'Coach by Cigna' can be linked with S Health. You can manage your diet, health and exercise data from each App in one place.

Tablets and some mobile devices may not be supported. Some functions may not be available based on regions/service providers/devices. S Health requires Android OS 4.4 or above.

S Health natively supports over 70 languages, including English, French, and Chinese. An English language version is available for the rest of the world.

Please note that S Health is intended for fitness and wellness purposes only and is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.



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