Oatmeal And Cinnamon scrub for Smooth Soft Skin Skip to main content

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Oatmeal And Cinnamon scrub for Smooth Soft Skin

Smooth skin can be achieved using natural ways. The texture of your skin, pigmentation and tone can be improved with the help of oatmeal and cinnamon.

Oatmeal And Cinnamon scrub for Smooth Skin

Cinnamon contains anti-fungal, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Including cinnamon in this remedy will help in preventing the skin from various infections as well as reduces the fine lines.

Oatmeal is another food that is rated to be one of the best foods for smooth skin!

Try this natural scrub today to achieve a glowing skin!

What you need

·       Oatmeal – 2 tbsp
·       Cinnamon powder – ½ tbsp
·       Milk – 1 tbsp


Take a bowl and into this add in the oatmeal, cinnamon powder and the milk together. Mix them all till they are well combined. Apply this oatmeal, cinnamon and milk all over the face and neck. Using the tips of your fingers gently massage it into the skin for about 4-5 minutes. Leave it on the skin for about 10-15 minutes. Later wash your face with cold water and pat the skin dry. This process is once in a day routine that can be repeated 2-3 times in a week for a smooth skin.


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