How to get Natural Pink Blush Pink Cheeks Skip to main content

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How to get Natural Pink Blush Pink Cheeks

Glowing, pink cheeks can outdo any blush on or make-up. The natural radiance on the cheeks makes the skin look so much healthier. You can ditch your usual blush. Here we give you some wonderful tips to get rosy cheeks naturally. Take a look.

How to get Natural Pink Blush Pink Cheeks

Soft Facial Massage

Try facial massage to make your cheeks blush. Massage your cheeks with fingertips. This will help to improve blood circulation in your face, and will give your cheeks a natural blush.

Exercise and Hydration

Regular exercise and proper hydration by drinking lots of water and juices helps to maintain and preserve a bright and beautiful skin.

Sugar massage

Sugar massages sugar on damp cheeks for 3-4 minutes and then washes off. It will make the cheeks look pink in a weeks’ time. While massaging your face, try to make your cheeks blush. Use fingertips to massage your cheeks. Dead skin on your face might be a reason for dull and tan skin. Your natural skin color might get hidden due to dead skin. You can now exfoliate with natural products to get back pinkish cheeks.

Warm Water

Washing face with warm water will increase your blood circulation which will automatically create rosy cheeks with pressure.

Masoor dal and milk

Soak up some masoor daal in milk (without boiling it) for 30 minutes. Grind the mix into a smooth paste. Add some kaolin powder to this. Dab this on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.

Lemon and milk massage

Massaging your skin plays a vital role to help keep it youthful and healthy. For this, mix 1/4th cup of lemon juice with milk. Massage the lemon and milk on your face to facilitate blood circulation.

Almond crush

For a healthy glow, moisturizing your skin is as important. Grind few almonds and apply with crushed rose petals, 5 teaspoons of each mint juice and honey. This mix will look like a cream that can be refrigerated for 5-6 days. This face mask will start showing results in 1 week. This face mask is to be applied at bed time.
