How to use Baking Soda for Acne Treatment Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

How to use Baking Soda for Acne Treatment

Baking soda for acne is one of the cheapest treatments you can use. Some people swear by it, preferring it over anything else. Baking sodas  a great add-on treatment if you don't have the money to buy expensive extra products or more active cleansers. Adding some to your usual cleanser can give it an extra boost, with mild exfoliant and anti inflammatory properties it can help clean and calm your skin.

How to use Baking Soda for Acne Treatment:

Baking Soda with Cleanser

In the beginning the best way is to mix some baking soda into your normal cleanser, preferably a gentle product. This gives your skin a chance to get used to it and the results will be better. Add 1/2 a teaspoon to your cleanser and mix in your hands. Apply to face and massage gently for at least 30 seconds. Concentrate on oily, congested areas or any scars. Rinse off with plenty of cool water. Apply moisturizer straight away - this can be drying and may leave your skin feeling tight.

Baking soda Face Mask

Whether you experience it on a 'per pimple' basis, or your whole face becomes red and irritated, a baking soda mask is a good way to sooth it. Use this mask 2 - 4 times a week for best results. Cleanse and dry face with a gentle cleanser. Mix approx. 2 teaspoons of baking soda with enough water to form a wet paste - in your palm (most simple) or a cup. Leave on skin for at least 15mins - if it stings too much (a little is normal and a sign it's working) take it off. Remove with plenty of cool water and pat dry. Apply moisturizer straight away - skin will feel tight and dry.... but look bright and very clean!


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