Benefits of Honey for Skin – Soft Glowing Face Skip to main content

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Benefits of Honey for Skin – Soft Glowing Face

Honey is a great chemicals free natural skin care product. It helps your skin in many ways because of its antibacterial properties and substantial skin-saving antioxidants. Other benefits of honey on skin include its certain properties that work efficiently to speed up healing and infection prevention. It is also well known as a natural cleanser and exfoliates the skin as well to make your complexion glowing and radiant. Its smooth thick texture works to lock in moisture into the skin that helps your skin to get supple and baby like soft.

Benefits of Honey for Skin – Soft Glowing Face

Honey Almond Lemon Face Mask

Add 2 tablespoons of honey, 4 tablespoons of ground almond and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix them well. Use the mixture as a scrub and wash with lukewarm water.

Honey with Jojoba Oil Mask

Stir one tablespoon raw honey with two tablespoons jojoba oil or coconut oil until the mixture is spreadable consistency. Apply to clean, dry skin, and massage gently in a circular motion, avoiding your eye area. Rinse with tepid water. The enzymes in raw honey clarify skin and keep pores clear and clean. Plus, the antibacterial properties of honey and jojoba or coconut oil also prevent bacterial buildup that can lead to skin imbalances and breakouts.

Honey Mask

The simplest way to use honey on the skin is to apply a thin layer of it as a mask on your face. Raw honey works to unclog the skin pores and at the same time moisturize the thirsty, dry skin.

First wet your skin a little bit, and then apply a thin layer of honey on the damp skin using your fingers in circular motion. Let it sit on your skin for at least 30 minutes, and then gently wash it off with warm water. This DIY Honey face mask will make your skin soft and radiant.

Honey Exfoliator

Honey works as a natural exfoliator when mixed with Baking Soda. Try this gentle scrub by mixing two parts honey with one part baking soda. This works as an excellent exfoliator – whereas baking soda exfoliates, the honey soothes and smooth the skin. Try this homemade honey baking soda scrub once or twice a week. If you have time on weekends, you can use this homemade honey scrub from head to toe – your arms, legs and feet.

Honey multani mitti face pack

Honey with multani mitti face pack will your pimples dried, so one can find the decrease in their growth and end eventually. Add two tablespoons of multani mitti with one table spoon of honey and mix them up. Apply the pack to the face after rinse off the face with cold water. Dry it for 15 minutes and rinse off with normal water and apply moisturizer after washing.

Sugar and honey

Sugar has long been used as a natural scrub that helps in removing the hard dead skins from the face and other parts of the body. In order to make a wonderful honey scrub, combine a teaspoon of sugar with two teaspoon of honey and apply over your face. Rub it slowly and remove dead skin layer. Wash it with cold water.

Cuticle Moisturizer

Honey draws moisture into the skin. Coconut oil conditions and protects, while the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar softens hard skin and balances pH for healthy growth. Mix one teaspoon honey with one teaspoon apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon coconut oil. Rub over each cuticle, and let sit five to 10 minutes, then rinse.


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