Kangana Ranaut Diet Plan Tips and Fitness Secrets for Curvy Body Skip to main content

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Kangana Ranaut Diet Plan Tips and Fitness Secrets for Curvy Body

Flawless beauty, curly hair, young and pretty actress of Bollywood, Kangana Ranaut seldom fails to look stunning. The sensational actress made boisterous and rocking entry in Bollywood with her debut film, Gangster in 2006. Having given heaps of commendable performances in myriad blockbuster movies such as Fashion, Once Upon a Time in Mumbai, Tanu Weds Manu and numerous others, the natural beauty has been able to reserve safer place for her in the hearts of zillions of her fans.

Emanating from small town, the charming actress has always added spice in the media buzzes. The stunner being genetically lean was overly skinny, when she first appeared in movies. However, inclination of Bollywood being more towards voluptuous body, Kangana groomed her body to add curves to it. And now, the sensational beauty has got so accustomed of altering her weight that she molds it as per the requirement of her roles in the movies.

(read more : Sonakshi Sinha weight loss & diet plan)

(read more : Sunny Leone Beauty tips and secrets)

Kangana Ranaut Diet Plan Tips and Fitness Secrets for Curvy Body

Diet Plan of Kangana Ranaut

It is difficult for Kangana to gain weight, which is why, she always has this lean and super-thin figure. During the initial years of her Bollywood journey, she had to work on her body a lot to suit on-screen character’s demand. To start with, she tried getting the curves by eating all sorts of fatty foods. But, to her dismay, she got fat all around her body parts and stomach. But, later by incorporating wholesome and highly nutritious food items in her diet plan she was able to get the much-desired curves. This hot vegetarian diva resorts to starvation and fad diets, and keeps changing her protein and carbohydrate diet with the demands of her role.
She starts her day with porridge, and cereals. As snacks she keeps it light by consuming fruits and protein shake. Her lunch constitutes of fresh salad, with dal and rice, boiled vegetables, and two chapattis. In evening she prefers to chug down a brown bread. Soup, boiled vegetables or salad are her dinner. To ensure that her body is hydrated throughout the day, she makes sure to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water.

Fitness and Exercises routine

Under the supervision of fitness guru, Leena Mogra, the Revolver Rani does strength training, circuit training and weight training to get a toned physique. The actress hits gym five times a week and exercises for one to two hours. Her rigorous workout plan is as follows:

Monday: Strength training

Includes push-ups, squats, and pull-ups (10 sets, 10 reps), along with fartlek running for 20 minutes.

Tuesday: Stretching

Kickboxing for 45 minutes, followed by body stretching exercises and a 20-minute elliptical hill workout.

Wednesday: Off

She gives her body an off for the day.

Thursday: Abs and lower back

She gets back into the training mode with the mix of hurdle training and sprinting drills, which she does for 30 minutes. For abs, she exercises for 20 minutes followed by lower back workout.

Friday: Yoga

This day is dedicated to power yoga for 45 minutes, and meditation for 10 minutes.

Saturday: PHA

PHA (Peripheral Heart Action) or Turbulence training for building stamina and improving muscular endurance.

Sunday: Rest


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