Diwali Special beauty tips for all the gorgeous women Skip to main content

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Diwali Special beauty tips for all the gorgeous women

Diwali is one festival on which everyone wants to grab attention and look their best. But, thanks to our stressful lives, faulty diet, pollution and most of all our lethargic habits, we fail to look healthy and glowing. A healthy skin and perfect radiance tops the wish list of every woman irrespective of her age and profession.

It is not possible to rush to the salon to get beauty treatments or spend excessively on cosmetic moisturizers, and so we bring to you some easy beauty tips to look your best this Diwali:

Diwali Special beauty tips for all the gorgeous women

Do not forget to drink water

People get so busy with the preparations that they forget to have water. That should not be the case. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. It clears up your skin and gives a healthy glow. Skin gets dry and dull during the festive season. Therefore, don’t forget to moisturize your skin. Eating fried food promotes breakouts and dull skin. So if you can’t resist, limit the intake.

Face masks

It is very important to know your skin type before opting for any face mask or other beauty treatments. Here are a few face masks that work wonders will give you that perfect glow for the festive season:

Oily food is a no-no

Saturated fatty acids, oily foods and junk food like finger chips, burgers, pizza along with caffeine and processed food should be avoided as they increase the chances of acne and other skin problems. Also avoid over indulging in food as it not just affects your skin but can also leave you with a blotted stomach.

Pick your makeup carefully

When nothing works, one can hide behind makeup but pick your beauty products with care. And look out for quality rather than brands. In the festive season, opt for waterproof mascara, eyeliner and transfer-resistant lipsticks so that the makeup doesn’t smudge and stain. Wash and cleanse the face and rub ice cube for few minutes to lower the sweating so that the makeup stays for longer time. Highlight the eyes with pastel colors. Pink and lighter shades of brown will enhance the beauty this season.
