How to lose Arm Fat Fast At Home Skip to main content

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How to lose Arm Fat Fast At Home

How to lose Arm Fat Fast At Home

Have you stopped wearing sleeveless just because you have heavy arms? Now, there is no need to be upset.

Follow these easy tips and you can have the toned arms you wished for...

The most effective way to tone arms is being physically active. This doesn't mean that you need to hit the gym every day, but there are many household activities that requires intense arms movement, mopping, cleaning, rolling to name a few. But to melt down the bulky plump, you need determination and focus. You need to start with cutting down on unhealthy and high-calorie food, eating fresh to stay healthy and look healthy. Here are a few more tips.

Weight Lifting

This is a time tested exercise to reduce arm fat and have toned arms. It is also an effective exercise to remove belly fat which strengthens the core. For this exercise, you need to select an item from your home to use as a weight. You can use a 2 liter cold drink bottle or a water bottle for this exercise. If you have a pair of dumbbells at home it works out just fine. The aim is to reach out for something which weighs around one kilo. Avoid using something breakable or valuable. It may fall down and break, so be very careful with your choice.

Hold that item with both your hands and lift it over your head. Your arms should be straight, as this is your starting position. Now lower the weight, by taking it behind your back. You need to reach it as low as you can. Make sure that you don’t hurt yourself. Bring up the weight above your head, again. The slower you move your arms, the more toned your arms will get. It is important to keep your upper arms close to your head and ears. Also try to practice this exercise in front of the mirror if you can, it will help you improve the style. You need to do 3 sets of 20 reps, which means you will move the item 60 items above your head. After every set you can take a rest of one minute. Increasing the weight or time after every week will help you to tone your muscles, effectively.

Counter Push Ups

The counter push up is an amazing exercise to tone arms that can be done using a table or kitchen counter, as the focus of this exercise is on stability. You need to face the counter with your arms on the edge of it and your feet touching the base of the counter. Move back from the counter until you feel your body leaning forward on tiptoes.
You need to be balanced on your feet and your back should be straight. This is your starting position. Bend your elbows and come down till you touch the counter. Now straighten your elbows and come back to your starting position. This is a complete rep and you need to do 3 sets of 20 reps, every day. This will tone your arms within few weeks.

Go for skipping

If you think it's irrelevant, then you are wrong. Skipping is the best cardio workout and it's inexpensive as well. It doesn't just help you sweat out the fat from your body, but gives you sleek and tone arms too. "Skipping rope affects arms muscles as you lift your body's weight as well as move your arms in circular motion. This increases the activity in the arms. Count Seconds instead of skipping repetitions to make the process more effective," says Gautham Kumar, a fitness expert.

Rotate wrist

Wrist rotation affects your shoulders and lower arms which are the plumpest areas. "Hold one to two pounds of dumbbells in each hand and stand up. The gap between your feet should be equal to your shoulder length. Extend both the hands forward and keep them firm. Now, swiftly rotate your wrist upward and inward as far as possible. This will help tone the arm muscles," says Gatuham.

Triceps with one arm

Sit on the floor and place your hands almost a foot behind your hips; your fingers should point towards the butt. Your legs and feet should be pressed together, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Keep your arm straight to raise your hips above the floor. Bend your left elbow only with one arm and lower your butt as close to the floor as possible without actually touching it. Repeat it with right elbow.

Lift your body up

Do you remember how you used to do pull-ups in the park as a kid? You have to just follow the same. Hold a sturdy strong rod that can bear your body weight. Grasp it firmly and pull yourself up the floor. When you go up hold the position for a few seconds and let your arm muscles take all the strain. Do a set of 20 and after a two-minute break, repeat the set. In case, you are doing it for the first time, then, do as many pull-ups as you can, but don't strain yourself.

Chair Dips

This is an effective fat reduce exercise that not only tones the arms, but also the back muscles. For this workout you need to choose a bed or chair, which is a little higher to the ground. Anything that will be stable on the ground is a good choice. A soft cushion sofa may not be the best idea; it will make the toning exercise harder to perform. The furniture should be at least 2 feet higher than the ground. You should have 3 feet of free space in front of the item, to perform this exercise with ease. Face away from the furniture and place your hands on it. Your arms should be shoulder width apart. Move three to four steps away from the furniture; keep your upper body straight. This is your starting position. Bend your knees to match the furniture. Bend your elbows and move your whole body to the ground, the aim is to touch the floor. Come back into your normal position. You need to do 3 sets of 20 reps, every day. This is undoubtedly one of the best exercises to do to lose weight fast.


This exercise can be really fun to perform and will help you lose arm fat extremely fast. It is one of the best cardio workouts to lose weight. This exercise as mentioned in the name resembles a scissors being opened and closed. You need to begin by standing straight and lifting your arms to shoulder height, in front of you. Stretch your arms to the side and bring them back to your front, the right hand should overlap the left. This resembles an open scissors. You need to stretch them to the side again and bring them back to the front. This time your left arm should overlap your right. This is a complete rep and this exercise needs to be done in 3 sets of 10 reps every day.

Tips to Lose Arm Fat and Promote Weight Loss Naturally

Although nothing can take place of exercise and hard work, but following a few tips can help you cut out the fat that has deposited in the wrong places.

Drink Water – Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Cut out the intake of sugary beverages and alcohol.

Count Calories – Set a target of reducing 500 calories every day from your diet which will count up to 3500 calories in one week. That is equal to 2 pounds of weight loss per week.

Set Smaller Plates – Eating your meals from smaller plates will help you reduce the portions and give you the sensation that you have eaten

Avoid Unhealthy Snacks – Plan your meals in such a way that you don’t feel like snacking on unhealthy salty and sugary foods.

Eat Breakfast – Don’t skip the first meal of the day under any circumstances, because it will lead to excessive eating during the latter part of the day.


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