Shraddha Kapoor Fitness tips and Diet Plan Secrets Skip to main content

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Shraddha Kapoor Fitness tips and Diet Plan Secrets

Electrifying smile, radiant and fresh beauty, Shraddha Kapoor is one of the fab actresses of Bollywood. Beautiful daughter of actor, Shakti Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor made her entry into Bollywood with her debut film Teen Patti, and afterwards appeared in movies such as Luv Ka the End, and Aashiqui 2.

However, Aashiqui 2 is the movie, which abruptly brought her in limelight and made her one of the enviable actresses of Bollywood. Despite belonging to family of celebs, the charming beauty is not much into parties and gala time. She is very down to earth and loves spending most of her time by being herself.

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The immaculate beauty seems to have been sent on earth with all the adornments, since she doesn’t require makeup to look ravishing. Genetically sleek Shraddha admits of being naturally slim. She credits her svelte figure to her lean and beautiful mother. However, since the former model is a star now, she has to be wary both about her diet and workouts.

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Shraddha Kapoor Fitness tips and Diet Plan Secrets

Exercise routine

She was not much into exercising and fitness but now it is recently that exercise has become an essential component of her schedule. She feels everything comes for a fair price. She thanks her parents for the amazing genes, due to which she is able to get such a fantastic figure. She recently tweeted from her personal Twitter account.

“Gymming shuru...favorite khaana band. Kuch paane ke liye, kuch khona padta hai. Booohoooo phir thoda rona padta hai”.

Shraddha Kapoor Workout Routine

Although the hottie never practiced workouts in gym in her teen years, but she used to be an agile girl inclined to varied sports activities such as basketball, volleyball etc. In addition to them, she used to be winner of 100-meter running contests.

Her affection for sports activities is one of the biggest contributing factors responsible for her lithe and glorious figure. Besides that, she feels caught up with adventurous activities such as scuba dive and adores doing it. Her outstanding lifestyle traits have greatly been accountable for her invigorated and flawless beauty and figure.

However, being triumphed with the fascinating colors of name and fame, Shraddha is on the trail of regular workouts now. Since impetus of being in shape for her roles is there on her shoulders, she hits gym four to five times in day and practices cardio workouts, strength training, and interval training.

Apart from them, dancing is her most loved way of scorching pounds. She gets enclosed in her room and plays loud music and dances until her legs and feet give up completely. Her interests and inclinations evidently show how imperative fun along-with workout is to Shraddha.

Follow Your Heart

As she launches into her young career, Shraddha has a word of advice for young go-getters like herself, "From experience, I have learnt that there are always people that will tell you what is right and wrong, what to do and what to avoid. In the end, it depends on you; it is your life and you have got to do what you feel is right. Listen to what your heart tells you to do and go ahead with it rather than doing what others expect you to do," she finishes, her soft eyes sparkling with purpose. This one, we have a feeling, will go a long way.

A day's diet

Shraddha believes in eating early- she breakfasts almost as soon as she wakes up and dines between 6 and 7 pm.

1 plate poha/upma/a portion of scrambled egg whites/an eggwhite omelette

2-3 chapatis, a sizeable portion of green vegetables, 1 bowl dal

2 slices wholewheat bread, 1 piece grilled fish, 1 bowl dal

1 portion brown rice, 1 bowl fish curry

Pro tip: Snack every two hours. Develop an appetite for constant water consumption for hydration and digestion.

(read more: Shraddha Kapoor Beauty tips and Secrets)


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