Shraddha Kapoor Beauty tips and Flawless skin Secrets Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Shraddha Kapoor Beauty tips and Flawless skin Secrets

Shraddha Kapoor made her mark in tinsel town with her super hit film Aashiqui 2. Her cutesy girl-next-door image is perfectly in place and while men love her simple yet chic look, women are in love with her luscious hair and flawless skin. We take a look at her beauty secrets.

(read more: How to get spotless skin in a week)

Shraddha Kapoor is a breath of fresh air when it comes to beauty. You will never see her with too much make-up yet she looks gorgeous. It is all thanks to her good skin and hair which she maintains with a regular skin and haircare routine.

Shraddha Kapoor Beauty tips and Flawless skin Secrets

Let us go through her secrets and some of her looks.

·       Beauty product favorites: Eye makeup products from MAC, Base makeup products from Bobbi Brown and Chanel, lip and cheek tint from Benetint, Benefit Cosmetics, Cetaphil facewash, Thalgo moisturizing cream, Miss Dior perfume, Shampoo and Conditioner from The Body Shop, Serum from L’Oreal, Vaseline

·       She believes in “Chic and Comfortable”. She loves experimenting with colors and dresses according to her mood. She doesn’t blindly follow any trends. She is a shopaholic and loves to shop everywhere whether it is at Colaba Causeway or the high street boutiques in London. Gucci and Miu Miu are her recent crushes.

·       Wardrobe must haves: well-fitted jeans, a versatile jacket, a day-and-night bag, a LBD, tank, tee and shirt in white, a pair of Black stilettos, Converse shoes, Flip-flops

·       When it comes to makeup, she loves color there a well. She loves going for bold eyes and simple lips.

·       Beauty vanity must haves: BB/CC cream, Kajal, Mascara, Lipstick in pinky-neutral tones or tinted lip-balms, Facial wipes, Deodorant, Hand sanitizer

·       She oils her hair twice a week, and swears by it.

·       She relies on homemade hair packs and loves aloe vera and hibiscus infused packs.

·       Drinking lots and lots and lots of water, it is very essential for the impeccable glow.

(read more: Shraddha kapoor Fitness tips and diet secrets)


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