How to use Orange for Fairer Skin Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

How to use Orange for Fairer Skin

Orange is rich in calcium and folic acids which helps strengthen our bones and develop our brain. But besides offering many health benefits, it is also a magic fruit for our skin. Juice, pulp, peel and every part of this fruit can be useful. Orange refreshes skin giving it a healthy and rejuvenating glow.

Most people toss orange peels in the garbage without even looking back. But did you know that the benefits of orange peels for skin are more than what meets the eye? Many cosmetics and beauty products today have orange peel extract in them. What’s so special about orange peels? Orange peels contain a wide variety of nutrients and phytonutrients that are very potent in healing many skin conditions.

Benefits of Orange Peel for Skin

Orange Peels for Skin whitening

Orange peels are a natural bleacher and can help lighten dark blotches on the skin and effectively remove them with time. What’s more is that orange peels help reduce suntans besides deflecting harmful UV rays from attacking skin cells.

Off with the blackheads!

A brilliant way to extract blackheads out of your skin is by using an orange peel mask. This not only provides a natural and non-painful way of getting rid of black heads but also unclogs excess oils and dirt clogged within skin pores.

Remove wrinkles

The powerful anti-oxidants in oranges fight off oxygen free radicals that deprive healthy skin cells of oxygen by stealing oxygen molecules from them. These free radicals play a significant role in creating wrinkles in skin and also lead to sagging of cheeks. The significant amount of calcium in orange peels is also very effective for protecting against premature aging of the skin.

Acne be Gone!

Pimples come up when excess dirt, soot or bacteria block your skin pores. Orange peels help to clean out your skin by extracting dirt from deep inside the pores. An excellent way of using orange peels for skin is by creating a simple face mask by grinding orange peels to a paste and applying it over the face, will not only keep acne at bay but also remove skin oiliness.

Tone your Skin

The abundant vitamin c and anti-oxidants in orange peels maintain the oils of the skin-preventing both very oily and dry skin. Applying orange peels on skin helps remove dead cells, dirt and keeps the skin well moisturized and toned.

Orange Peel Face Masks

Orange Peel and Yogurt Face Pack:

Take 1 tbsp of orange peel powder and 2 tbsp of yogurt, mix well.  Apply on face and wash off after 20 minutes to get clear, fresh, and toned up skin.

Orange Peel, Multani Mitti Face Pack:

This one is extremely good for oily skin.  Take 1 tbsp of orange peel powder, 1 tbsp of multani mitti and make a smooth consistency paste out of it by adding rose water.  Apply on the face and neck and rinse off when its semi dry.  This face pack will deep cleanse your skin.

Orange Juice with Flour Face Mask:

Mix orange juice with flour to make a creamy paste. Smoothen over face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water. It instantly offers you a smooth and clear skin.

Orange Peels and Sandal Face Mask:

Peel oranges and place these peels to dry in the sun. When they become rock-hard, put them in a blender and form a powder. Keep it in an airtight container (this powder can be stored for 30 days). Take required orange peel powder, sandal wood powder and blend with either milk/water/rose water into a smooth paste. Apply onto your face and neck and keep for ½ an hour. When the pack dries up, wash with water and wipe off with a soft cloth.

Orange Peel Powder, Honey, and Lime Face Pack:

A good face pack to get brighten skin and remove tan.  Take 2 tbsp orange peel powder, add in 2 tbsp of honey, and a few drops of lime and make a smooth paste.  Apply on the face and rinse off after 30 minutes to get fresh and bright skin.


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