Natural Winter Face Packs For Glowing Soft Skin Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Natural Winter Face Packs For Glowing Soft Skin

The flawless perfect skin is desire for every woman. It doesn’t matter how old are you and what you are profession is. Whether you are house wife or a student or a working woman, you always have craved for good skin. When winter comes it brings a lot of problem with it. The skin and hair problem are major with it. The major problems are dry and cracked skin. The uneven skin is another problem of winter.

The skin problems are addressed with the sufficient amount of vitamins and mineral addition to the skin and body. The dry skin can be treated with the moisturizers in the winter. All the winter skin problems are solved with the “winter face packs”. Are you looking for natural remedies for your winter skin problems? Here we found out few amazing face packs and masks.

Avocado Face Pack

Avocado is a super fruit for your overall health and skin. It is widely used in winter skin care regimes. Being a rich source of vitamin E, it has skin moisturizing properties. Mash a ripe avocado and mix it with a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this mask and leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off. The avocados will nourish the skin and bring the inner glow on the surface. Add some lemon juice, instead of olive oil if you want to lighten your skin tone.

Gram Flour-Curd Face Pack

Here is a face pack that has been an all-time favorites with brides. Nothing can beat dry skin better than gram flour (besan) and curd. It is a popular pack to treat dry and dull skin. Mix 3-4 teaspoons of besan with equal amount of curd and honey to make a smooth and thick pack. Apply on the skin and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Besan and curd with treat your dry skin, and honey will help to moisturize it.

Oatmeal Mask

Take oatmeal, milk and water. Now take ½ spoon of oatmeal, sufficient amount of milk and water. Mix all the ingredients and soak it for some time then apply it on your face. Let it stay for 15 minutes and clean it with cold water. Oatmeal mask makes the skin glowing and smoothen.

Honey Mask

If you have dry skin, then make honey your best friend, especially during winters. Honey is an excellent skin nourishing agent for you, which moisturizes your skin and leaves it radiant. If you are short of time, just take some honey and apply it evenly on the skin. Keep it for 15 minutes before you wipe it with a sponge dipped in water. It will leave behind the much-needed glow for the bride. If you have a few minutes, add some cocoa powder or dried and powdered orange peel to it.

Olive oil and apricot face pack

Bring an apricot and mash it, add few drops of olive oil to the apricot paste and mix well. Apply the paste and rub it for two to three minutes. Leave it for up to 10 minutes and rinse off with tepid water. This face pack gives the revitalizing effects to the skin and polishes the skin surface too.

Papaya Oatmeal Face Mask

Bring a papaya and remove skin, seeds present in it. Make them cubes and mash a half cup of cubes in a bowl. To the papaya paste add two table spoons of oat meal, lemon extract from half slice and one egg, mix it properly to form a paste. Dab it over the face and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes, there after wash your face with lukewarm water. This face pack rejuvenates the skin cells, ads up the lost moisture and removes the dullness present on the skin and makes you glow in the winter season.


  1. I will make a paste of almonds with mild skin brightener cream by Demology and fresh rosebud paste. Apply it daily over the face. This softens and bleaches the skin and nourishes it with the choicest skin-food. Regular application of this mixture prevents the early appearance of wrinkles, blackheads, dryness of the skin, pimples.


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