Natural Home Remedies for Silky Soft Long Hair Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Natural Home Remedies for Silky Soft Long Hair

Proper hair care is the only fast way for both men and women to get shiny, silky, long and soft hair either by using glossing hair products or by naturally using home remedies. There is no overnight treatment that can make your hair glowing just in one day. Even after making hair shiny you need to take good care to keep it healthy.

Adding gloss to hair is a simple task that can be easily done at home using the natural remedies like lemon, vinegar, honey etc. To make hair look lustrous with minimum damage you need to follow the treatments very carefully. Find a list of the most popular and widely used natural treatments for adding shine and softness to the hair.

Natural Home Remedies for Silky Soft Long Hair

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a fabulous hair conditioner that can make your hair soft, shiny and moisturized. It also helps remove built-up residue that makes your hair look dull and lifeless. Plus, it can help treat dandruff, itchy scalp and frizzy hair. Mix together equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water. After shampooing, pour the mixture into your hair and massage it onto your scalp. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly with cold water. Alternatively, mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and the juice of one lemon in one cup of water. Use this mixture as a final hair rinse after shampooing. Use these remedies only once a week.

Eggs And Mayonnaise

Known for its very high protein content, eggs serve as a very good replacement for the conventional protein treatments that hair salons offer at exorbitant prices. They are known for their ability to strengthen hair follicles, promote hair growth and for adding a lustrous volume and shine to your hair. Mayonnaise is yet another powerful ingredient for supplying your hair with adequate amounts of protein and fatty acids that keep your hair hydrated and moisturized. To obtain strong, shiny and soft hair, crack open an egg in a bowl and whisk it using a fork. Add one cup of mayonnaise and a teaspoon of honey and massage it into your hair. Wrap a warm cloth around it and shampoo your hair using lukewarm water after 15 minutes.

Avocado And Banana Mask

Endowed with omega-3- fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are required for synthesizing hair proteins, avocado acts as a delight for your hair. Through their high content of potassium, manganese, vitamin B-6, anti-oxidants etc., banana acts as an icing on the cake, when mixed with avocado. Mash a ripe avocado and add a mashed banana, egg yolk, two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of olive oil to this paste. Apply this to your hair and allow it to stay for an hour for moisturizing and strengthening dry and damaged hair. Wash it gently using a mild shampoo.

Hot Oil Massage

The importance of regularly massaging hot oil into your scalp cannot be emphasized enough. There are a variety of oils like coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, rosemary oil, etc. that you can apply to your hair, the most commonly used one being coconut oil. Although, all these oils come with a variety of anti-microbial agents, essential fats and minerals that are required for hair growth, the key to utilizing its benefits is through a good scalp massage. A good massage stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and with more blood flowing to your hair, the supply of nutrients that promote hair growth to the hair follicles increases. Moreover, using lukewarm oil can allow the heat to open and unclog the pores or follicles on your scalp by killing the bacteria, thus enabling a better percolation of the oil into your scalp.

Yogurt and Lime

Yogurt is rich in milk proteins and is packed with B complex vitamins and essential minerals like calcium, zinc, etc. that promote the growth of strong and healthy hair. When combined with lime, it gives you additional benefits of strengthening your scalp and hair roots by providing vitamin C that helps in clearing free radicals, dust and bacteria that retard hair growth. Moreover, lime juice is very effective for eliminating dandruff and flakes that can cause considerable damage to your hair. It also imparts smoothness and shine to your hair by promoting the secretion of natural oils from the scalp. Add 3-4 tablespoons of curd, one tablespoon of lemon juice and half a tablespoon of olive oil for an extra moisturizing effect. Apply this to the scalp and the hair and cover your head with a plastic wrap for about 30-45 minutes. Wash your hair using a mild shampoo.


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