Face Masks or Face Packs for Spotless Glowing Skin Skip to main content

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Face Masks or Face Packs for Spotless Glowing Skin

Everyone like a clean and blemish free skin and face. But most of the time tiny spots and pimples on the skin make us feel less attractive and less confident. Dark spot might appear on the skin as you get older or if you go out in sun much too often. And there are still many other reasons for the black or brown spots appearing on your cheeks and forehead. Dark spots are small brownish colored spots that appear on the cheeks, on forehead, neck and on the body and these are also called as liver spots or the age spots and can increase with time and make you look older than you actually are. These are produced when the pigment cells are activated and concentrated in a region due to over exposure to the sun or pollutants and can be reduced and prevented by certain medication or by some home remedies.

Face Masks or Face Packs for Spotless Glowing Skin

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is very effective against dark spots and marks. They can fade away dark spots and acne marks very easily. Lemon is rich in Citric acid and Vitamin C, which works on renewing the skin cells. Take a lemon, cut it into two halves. Take one half of the lemon and rub it in circular motion on the affected area directly. Rub for 5 minutes and wash off your face. With regular usage, dark spots will lighten visibly.

Aloe-Vera Gel

Aloe-Vera gel works wonder for humans. They are used to cure diseases widely all over the world. This is one of the best natural remedies for clear skin. They have anti-septic properties that help to soothe the skin while getting rid of blemishes and redness. Aloe-Vera also removes dark spots and helps your skin glow with health. Apply gel from the Aloe-Vera leaf on your face directly. Aloe-Vera may not always work for all skin types so it is advised to do a patch test before applying it on your face.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil helps to get rid of blemishes, dark spots and uneven skin tone. This essential oil is used widely in skin treatments. Natural tea tree oil is easily available and you can dab the oil using a cotton ball on the affected area directly and leave it to dry. Tea tree oil soothes skin and also evens out the complexion – giving you radiant and flawless skin instantly!

Avocado Face mask

Take half of a ripe avocado and mash it up. Add a quick squirt of honey and a teaspoonful of plain organic yoghurt. Apply the mask to the skin on your face using your fingertips or a clean foundation brush and leave on for at least 60 minutes. It is one of the best facials if you want a glowing spotless skin.

Protein Face Mask

A protein mask helps to nourish every type of skin. Soak 1 teaspoon of urad Dal (black split gram) and 2-3 almonds overnight. Grind this to make a fine paste, and apply this protein mask on the face and wash it off after 30 minutes. Repeat this 3-4 times a week. This mask nourishes the facial skin and also enhances the complexion.

Papaya Face Mask

Chop papaya into small pieces and blend it. Combine mashed papaya with 2 spoonful of oatmeal, 2 egg whites and the juice of 1 lime. You can also use honey and a few crushed almonds instead of oatmeal and egg whites. Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to your face with your fingertips. Make sure you avoid the eye area. Let the homemade facial for glowing skin set for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Homemade facial masks are better, natural ways to give your skin its radiance besides enabling skin tightening. All of the aforementioned home facials for glowing skin are gentle enough to be used often.


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