How to get rid of tanned skin fast Naturally Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

How to get rid of tanned skin fast Naturally

Summer is almost here and it’s time to store away the sweaters and jackets and usher in the pretty summer dresses. After the long cold winter, it is time to enjoy the sunshine with family and friends in beaches and parks. Despite all the happiness and fun, at the end of the day most of us are left with ugly and unattractive sun tan on face and hands that are not easy to get rid of. Most of us go for a quick bleaching session or use chemical laden cosmetic products for instant tan removal, but all these take toll on our skin in the long run. When it comes to side-effects free healing of tanned skin, home remedies using natural ingredients is the best option because it soothes and nourishes the skin and removes the tan in a caring, gentle manner.

Homemade tips to get rid of sun tan

Cucumber, Rose Water and Lemon Juice

The acidic property of lemon acts as a natural bleach in removing tan and fighting pimples.  The cucumber juice and rose water acts as cooling agents for soothing the blemished skin. Take a table spoon each of cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose water and mix in a bowl. Apply with cotton on tanned areas, wait for 10 minutes and wash off with cold water. Apply this pack every day after you get back home from the sun.

Potato Slices

Take a potato, cut it into slices.  Apply these slices on the face, neck, arms, and other parts of the body which are darken due to the sun rays. This will reduce the suntan from the skin.


Take one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of powder milk, and half teaspoon of almond oil. Mix these all in a pot. Apply this mixture on the body for fifteen minutes. Take a bath with cold water after that.

Coconut Water

Wash the tanned area with lukewarm water and apply fresh coconut water all over and leave it to dry. After half an hour you can wash with cold water. Do it regularly in few days your skin color will become normal.

Sandalwood Water

Take one cup of raw milk and add one tablespoon of Sandalwood powder in it and mix well. After washing affected area apply this mixture on tanned area and leave for drying. After some time it will become dried. Now wash with water. This is very effective tip to remove sun tan. It will also improve your skin tone and you will get a fair skin. Apply regularly according to your need.


Pour milk, and water in a cup in equal amount, and soak up a cotton cloth in this solution to place on your sunburn affected parts .Try this home remedy to get relief from the painful suntan.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel will lighten the skin within a week, if applied daily to the affected area. It also helps cleanse and nourish the skin. Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the affected skin areas before going to bed. In the morning, wash the skin thoroughly.

Gram Flour

Gram flour is very useful in treating a sun tan as it helps remove dead skin cells and leaves your skin bright and young. You can use the gram flour powder available in market or make a paste of whole green gram. Mix the gram flour in water and rub it all over the affected skin area. Wait 20 minutes before washing if off with water. Do this twice a week for a few months. For best results, use rose water instead of plain water. You can also mix some lime juice and yogurt into the paste.

Barley Yogurt Mask

Make a mask at home mixing barley, yogurt, and turmeric in equal amount to apply on your sunburn affected areas to treat them naturally at home.

Cucumber Orange Juice

You can prepare a mixture of natural substances such as orange juice, water and cucumber juice and then apply the mixture to your face. Apply it on your face like a mask. Because of the citric content in the orange juice, the cooling effect of the cucumber juice acts as a great tan remover.

Milk and Turmeric Power

Add a teaspoonful of turmeric powder to 1 tablespoon milk. You can also add fresh orange juice to this mixture. Apply it to the face and let it dry. Then you can wash your face with cool water.

Oats Buttermilk Mask

Prepare a mixture of oats and buttermilk. This mixture should be rubbed onto the tanned area as the oats will help in exfoliating the skin and on the other hand the butter milk is known to be extremely soothing for the skin.

Almond Face Mask

Soak almonds overnight and grind them into a fine paste the next morning. Add equal quantities of milk cream to the paste and apply on the affected area to make the skin fair.

Oatmeal Yogurt Mask

Apply a paste of oatmeal, yogurt, a few drops of lime and tomato juice. Wash this with cold water after half an hour and see the difference.

Papaya and Honey Face Pack

The enzymes in papaya are known for skin renewal, whitening, exfoliation and restoration. Honey helps in moisturizing and softening the skin. For this pack, take ½ cup of ripe papaya pulp and mash it well, add a table spoon of honey to it and mix well. Apply on clean face and dry for 30 minutes. Rinse off with water.


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