Health Benefits of Garlic Cloves Skip to main content

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Health Benefits of Garlic Cloves

Garlic — known as the stinking rose. Garlic is an herb. It is used by many cuisines around the world to add flavor and taste to food, but it's also been used as a natural medicinal ingredient for centuries, both in its fresh plant form and as a supplement.

Garlic cloves contain many vital nutrients including vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes. Garlic contains sulfur compounds from the amino acid allicin, which is most noted for producing garlic’s powerful odor.

Interesting Wonderful Health Benefits of Garlic Cloves

High Antioxidants

Garlic Contains a High Amount of Antioxidants. The antioxidants destroy free radicals and reduce overall oxidative stress. Free radicals can damage DNA and cell membranes. High levels of oxidative stress have been associated with many diseases and conditions. Antioxidants are also beneficial for preventing types of cancer.

Babies Weight gain

Garlic has been found to assist babies to gain weight while they are in the womb. Next time you have a baby prepare to have garlic breath. Except if you have a history of large babies in which case maybe you want to skip the extra doses?


Garlic contains high levels of iodine which makes it a very effective treatment for hyperthyroid conditions. Treatment with garlic has been shown to greatly improve this condition.


Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic. It is able to eliminate harmful bacteria but does not kill off healthy bacteria as chemical antibiotics do.

Boosts Your Immune System

Garlic has strong antiviral properties. To many in Russia, garlic was known as “Russian Penicillin” due to its abilities to effectively treat infections. A study found that garlic is effective at preventing and treating the common cold. It found that those who consumed garlic had significantly fewer colds and the length of their cold was shortened compared to those who did not eat garlic.

Garlic Prevents Cancer

Increased intake of garlic has been found to be associated with the reduced risk of certain cancers. This includes cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast.

Blood Sugar

Garlic regulates blood sugar as it enhances the level of insulin in the blood. This may assist in the control of diabetes. Seek medical advice if you believe the use of garlic could help your condition.

Beat Inflammation

Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties — one study identified four sulphuric compounds in garlic that helped cut inflammation. People who suffer from auto-immune diseases might be helped by including garlic in their diets — Dr. Andrew Weil includes it in his Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid. As well, if you have psoriasis — a skin condition related to inflammation — try rubbing garlic oil directly on the affected area for relief.

Repel Mosquitoes

One study from India found that mosquitoes apparently hate garlic — great news for people who are fans of natural bug repellents and not fans of pesky nippers. You can either apply the garlic directly to your skin, or just keep some nearby to try to keep the bugs out of your general vicinity.

Garlic is Anti-fungal

Garlic’s Allicin is also responsible for destroying fungi. Many use garlic as a means of eliminating fungal infections.


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