Who doesn't want flat abs?
People desperate to lose weight will willingly starve themselves, take
expensive supplements or do the latest fad diet that promises to give them that
flawless figure in 30 days. Thankfully, belly fat is metabolically active and
easier to lose.
Dieting and exercise go hand in hand. If you had thought that only dieting will burn your belly fat, you are wrong. Working out can be quite painful and tiring. Hence, many of you think of skipping it. Some even start going to the gym but ultimately give up, and then all of what you had lost comes right back! The best way to deal with this is to incorporate a simple exercise routine in your schedule If you really want to lose weight, you need to include an hour of exercise in your daily routine for targeting and reducing belly fat.
Dieting and exercise go hand in hand. If you had thought that only dieting will burn your belly fat, you are wrong. Working out can be quite painful and tiring. Hence, many of you think of skipping it. Some even start going to the gym but ultimately give up, and then all of what you had lost comes right back! The best way to deal with this is to incorporate a simple exercise routine in your schedule If you really want to lose weight, you need to include an hour of exercise in your daily routine for targeting and reducing belly fat.
Here are a few exercises to
reduce belly fat! Check them out.
The crunch is one of the most
common abdominal exercises. It primarily works the rectus abdominis muscle A
crunch begins with lying face up on the floor with knees bent. The movement
begins by curling the shoulders towards the pelvis. The hands can be behind or
beside the neck or crossed over the chest. Crunches occupy the number 1
position when it comes to fat-burning exercises. You may have read in magazines
and seen on television that crunches are just magical when it comes to cutting
down belly fat.
· Lie on your back on the floor. Using a mat or
carpeted surface is more comfortableBend your knees. Your feet can be flat on
the floor, or you can keep them suspended in the air during your crunches for a
little extra crunch.
· Cross your arms in front of your chest. You can
also place your hands behind your neck or headYour head and neck should be
resting on your hands.
· Lift your shoulders towards the ceiling using
your abdominal muscles and pause at the peak. It is very important not to lift
your entire back off the floor, as this can cause back strain, and the extended
movement does not help you develop six pack abs any faster. When your shoulders
are off the ground, pause and hold that position for a full second (or more).
Ease back
down slowly as you inhale. Don’t just “plop” back down. Your control on the way
down works your ab muscles as well.
Bicycle exercise:
· Lie on your back with fingertips behind ears,
legs in the air, and knees pulled toward chest (top illustration).
· Target your sides and entire ab area by
contracting as you lift your shoulder blades off the ground. Straighten your
right leg at a 45-degree angle and rotate your upper body to the left, bringing
the right elbow toward the left knee (bottom illustration).
· Switch sides by straightening your left leg,
bending your right leg, and bringing the left elbow to the right knee.
sides in a pedaling motion.
Bending side to side:
· · Stand up straight. Your feet should be shoulder
width apart. This will be your starting position.
· While keeping your back straight and your head
up, bend only at the waist to the right as far as possible. Breathe in as you
bend to the side. Then hold for a second and come back up to the starting
position as you exhale. Tip: Keep the rest of the body stationary.
· Now repeat the movement but bending to the left
instead. Hold for a second and come back to the starting position.
· Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Use caution if you have lower back problems, or avoid this exercise altogether.
Plank exercise:
- Start off on a yoga mat in the pushup
position. Starting with the pushup position is the easiest way to get into
the plank.
- Lower both your forearms to the ground so that
both your elbows and fists are flat to the ground. Your palms should be
balled up, and directly underneath your shoulders.
- Curl your toes under and engage your abs by
tilting your pelvis and pulling your belly button toward your spine.
- Straighten your body but keep your neck and
spine neutral. Imagine that you’re a plank of wood, and that you’re
straight as an arrow.
- Flex your abdominals and squeeze your glutes.
These are the two major muscle groups you’ll be working out in this
- Hold this position, also known as the plank,
until after the burning begins. Keep your eyes on the floor in front of
you. Avoid raising your behind. Your body should make a straight line from
your heels to the back of your head.
of the very first cardio exercises to reduce belly fat is walking. Are you
surprised to know this? Do you think it’s too simple to be effective? Well
then, know that walking is a great and effective way to burn away that ugly
belly fat. In fact, it is an excellent fat burner for your entire body. If you
follow a healthy diet along with walking at a steady pace for 30-45 minutes for
at least 4-5 days every week, you will witness a gradual change in your weight.
This low-impact exercise increases your metabolism as well as your heart rate.
A heightened metabolic rate will burn away calories at a faster pace, thus
helping to eliminate the fat accumulated around your belly. In fact, walking
has a decreased risk of injuries and is considered to be a good workout for
If you don’t like running, try jogging
instead. Research suggests that jogging is more effective at breaking down
unwanted fat when compared to weightlifting. This is a form of aerobic exercise
that is extremely useful for fighting against obesity and staying fit.
Swimming is a great way to exercise your
entire body. The strokes that you choose should be up-tempo and strenuous in
order to help you burn more calories. You can start with swimming 1-2 times
every week.
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