Hair Fall treatment with Olive Oil Skip to main content

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Hair Fall treatment with Olive Oil

Hair loss occurs due to several reasons. The main cause is aging. As one gets older, it is the structure of the hair which changes. It becomes weaker, thinner, and grey and eventually dies. Besides aging, other reasons could include: frequent coloring, chemical in commercial products, deficiencies in minerals and vitamins etc.

Along with many other benefits of olive oil, it can also help in hair growth, preventing hair loss, keeping the scalp healthy, eliminating dandruff and regaining lost hair. Olive oil contains vitamin A and E which are very important for hair to strengthen its strands. Using olive oil on the scalp feeds the hair with these vitamins and stimulates the hair follicles.

How to Use Olive Oil to Stop Hair Loss?

Method 1

 Wash your scalp to remove any impurities. Use light herbal shampoo for the wash. Apply olive oil to your hair and massage gently. Make sure the oil reaches the roots of the hair and surface of the scalp. Leave for one hour and wash it again with herbal shampoo.

Method 2

To get maximum results, you can warm the olive oil first, because the warm oil can stimulate the follicles more quickly so that the nutrients can be absorbed more quickly. You have to measure the heat content of this oil before it is applied to the scalp because if it is too hot can cause hair cells are damaged because the scalp is very sensitive and easily hurt.

Method 3

Mix a few drops of peppermint, rosemary and sage oil, Add in one tablespoon of olive oil. Massage into the scalp. Wash with shampoo after 30 minutes. Repeat daily.

For More tips to control Hair Fall fast then click here……
