Best Fitness Apps For Android Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Best Fitness Apps For Android

Whether you want to lose weight or boost your performance, it's time to get the download on what's going to help you reach your goal. To help you, we've rounded up the top 10 apps that offer support, fitness, motivation and challenges. Start installing your apps now and see results in few days.

Daily Ab Workout:

Daily Ab Workout FREE is a great 5 to 10 minute daily ab routine for men and women that steps you through ten of the best ab-sculpting exercises. These proven exercises, demonstrated by a certified personal trainer, target all major abdominal muscles. Spending just minutes a day can strengthen your core and tone your abs.
The routine's simple interface, complete with video and timer, allows you to easily follow along and understand each exercise.

To download this app follow this link

7 Minute Workout:

Don't have enough time to exercise every day? Try the 7-Minute Workout!
Based on 'The Scientific 7-Minute Workout' routine posted in the American College of Sports Medicine's Health & Fitness Journal and highlighted by The New York Times, this high intensity interval training app will get you sweating. 12 exercises, 3 required items (yourself, a chair, a wall), and 7 minutes is all you need to start getting in shape again!

To download this app follow this link

Workout Trainer

Get in the best shape of your life with thousands of free workouts and premium workout programs that help you achieve your fitness goals. Workout Trainer is a TOP app on Android -- download it now!
Your certified personal trainers guide you through exercises with timed, step-by-step audio, photo and video instructions complete with encouragement! Whether you’re doing bodyweight workouts at home or lifting weights at the gym, Skimble’s Workout Trainer is the ultimate fitness companion. You can also choose your area of focus and use it to get a six pack, lose weight, improve your running, practice yoga, and more.
Workout Trainer is ideal for people who want to get in shape without using any exercise equipment. Also great for those who enjoy Tabata, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), timed workouts and CrossFit WOD.

To download this app follow this link

Butt Workout:

Quick and efficient training session to tone/shape buttocks without the use of any gym equipment. You can do this work out wherever you like. It is ideal for women who want to get back into shape before the summer.
Have you ever thought that training could be fun, not monotonous?
With this application, you can train where you want, when you want and how you want!
You can personalize the training level to change repetitions, background music and every other detail to create a different experience every time you train.
- A new calendar that keeps track of the days when you train, creating a real training program for 4 weeks.
- Download to your device instruction video for each exercise. You can play it anytime even without internet connection.
Our basic application is free because we believe that the best way to impress you is to make you try!

To download this app follow this link

Daily Leg Workout:

Daily Leg Workout FREE is a great 5 to 10 minute daily leg routine that steps you through ten of the best lower body exercises. This workout is developed and demonstrated by a certified personal trainer, and spending just minutes a day can strengthen and tone your legs.
The routine's simple interface, complete with video and timer, allows you to easily follow along and understand each exercise.

To download this app follow this link

Fitness For Women!

Fitness, muscle-building and gym work-outs have gone beyond the traditional all-male club. With the hype over fitness and health and a healthy lifestyle, women have joined the club as well. However, men and women have different fitness needs.
Women’s fitness and exercise needs are focused on the muscles of the upper back. Most of their exercise work-outs are also designed for the stomach muscles, especially those who have just given birth. At the same time, exercises for women are usually designed for weight loss. And while men tend to focus on muscle building whereas women work on toning their muscles, strength training is important for both.

To download this app follow this link


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