Homemade Face Scrub Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Homemade Face Scrub

         Yes, I know there are a ton of face scrubs out there, but it’s hard to find exactly the right one to fit your skin type. Which means that making a custom one to fit your skin’s needs is the way to go. Plus, you’ll already have half of the ingredients in your kitchen. It’s a win-win situation!

        Homemade exfoliators are some of the best in the world! Not only are they all natural, but homemade exfoliators also ensure that your skin stays soft all of the time! Whether you are just trying to get rid of some breakouts you might be having or you're trying to prevent the breakouts, homemade exfoliators can help! So ladies, I've got the top 15 homemade exfoliators that will absolutely make a difference in how your skin feels!

Almond Rose scrub:
To brighten and soften skin.
1 tsp rosewater
1/2 tsp almond flour or finely ground almonds.
Mix into paste and apply.

Baking Soda Scrub:
Perfect for everyday use.
2 to 3 Tbsp. Baking soda
Small amount of water
Mix the ingredients into a paste.
Using a circular motion, apply to face and gently scrub.

Sugar Honey Scrub:
Mix it with honey, which contains powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, and a little lemon for clarifying purposes, and you have a wonderfully nourishing and effective face scrub. Combine 1 teaspoon sugar with 1/2 teaspoon honey and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and mix well. If the mixture is a little loose, add a bit more sugar.

Oatmeal Scrub:
1 Tbsp. ground oatmeal (use steel cut oats, not instant)
1 tsp. lemon juice
2 tsp. yogurt
Combine and apply.
Optional: let your scrub double as a mask! Let it sit a few minutes before scrubbing and rinsing.

Coffee Scrub:
1/2 cup coffee grounds, finely ground (I like to grind my own)
1/2 cup baking cocoa
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup honey. Apply mixture to skin and massage in a circular motion to ensure you're removing dead skin from your face. Rinse with warm water and press skin with a warm washcloth.

Peach Scrub:
1 ripe organic peach, peeled and pitted
1/2 tbsp oil. I like coconut, almond or olive oil
1/2 tbsp raw organic honey, warmed in the microwave so it's runny
1 tbsp brown sugar (use more or less depending on your preference).  Puree the peaches in a blender or food processor using a bit of water if necessary. Put the peaches in a bowl and stir in the oil, honey and brown sugar. Apply in a circular motion to face and neck. If you need more brown sugar, add it in. Your goal is to exfoliate the dead skin on your face. Let the scrub sit on your face for 5 minutes. Rinse with a warm washcloth.

Pineapple & Papaya Scrub:
1/4 cup of cubed fresh pineapple, the hard stems cut off and discarded
1/4 cup of cubed fresh papaya.
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp sweet almond oil
1 tbsp honey. Mash the fruit together until it's in a pulp. Add the other ingredients and combine well. Apply mixture to skin and leave on for a few minutes. Rinse with warm water and press skin with a warm washcloth.

Salt & Lemon Scrub:
If you've been having a lot of problems with oily skin, don't worry, ladies! This is one of the homemade exfoliators that is made for oily skin! The lemon juice will wipe away all of that oil while the salt will scrub away everything else. Try it, ladies, it really works!

Strawberry Scrub:
If your skin is soft enough yet you are having some problems with oil, you definitely want to try this out! Just take some strawberries, smash them in a bowl and put them all over your face. Rub them in a bit and you'll notice just how quickly that oil is removed.

Tomato & Sugar Scrub:

Grab yourself a tomato and a tablespoon of sugar. All you need to do is slice the tomato in half and dip the fleshy side in the sugar. Next, use the sugar-dipped tomato to rub on your face in circular motions. Leave the sugar and tomato on your face for about 10 minutes and rinse off.

Honey & Baby Oil Scrub:

This is another easy peasy homemade exfoliator that your skin will love. All you need is a cup of coarse sea salt and a half cup of baby oil. Mix it together in a bowl and keep it covered for 24 hours. Once the 24 hours is up, give it a good stir and apply.


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