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Diet Plan for weight loss Fast

 Are you looking for the fastest way to lose weight? Are you having a big party in a couple of weeks time and are looking to get into skinny clothes that fit your properly? Are you going out on a date in a couple of week’s time? Whatever be the reason that you are trying to lose weight, you have come to the correct page that will provide you with the ideal tips that will help you to easily lose weight in a week’s time.

             I discovered this ultimate diet plan when i was in desperate need of one. I had a fitness exam and needed to lose 5 pounds. If you want to lose 10 pounds in a week you have come to the right place. By following this diet plan you'll be able to lose 10-15 pounds of your weight.

Half a grapefruit, one poached egg and two poached tomatoes.
2 Apples and a Pomegranate
Note: Fruit juice is not allowed on Day 1 of your Lose 10 pounds in a week diet plan. Drink at least 10 Glass of water .

Light meal 
Avocado, tomato and mushroom salad, plus 125g (4½oz) low-fat cottage cheese and a large bunch of grapes. Green Tea is probably the most healthiest weight loss drink. Three cups a day of green tea can help you burn 80 calories. Imagine burning calories while enjoying tasty and fabulous green tea.

Main meal 
Large bowl of thinly sliced cucumber with lots of black pepper, cider vinegar and 1 tsp of extra-virgin olive oil, and a portion of stir-fried vegetables served on a bed of plain boiled rice.

Start your day with one boiled potato. Potato can provide you a good supply of ions and water for your body. Potato is rich in important minerals like potassium calcium, iron, and phosphorus. Or Large helping of melon with six strawberries.

Light meal 
Large green salad, and a mixture of steamed vegetables – carrots, courgettes, new potatoes, peas, runner beans, sweetcorn – tossed with 1 tsp butter and freshly chopped mint and parsley.

Main meal 
Bowl of vegetable soup, plus a large red or yellow pepper stuffed with rice and a generous portion of lightly cooked spinach, chopped, with a drizzle of olive oil and a clove of crushed garlic.

Note: There is no doubt that your digestive system will completely undergo an overhaul by the evening and you also would need to visit the toilet more times than before. Make sure that you do not miss out on your daily dose of 8 to 12 glasses of water along with a strict veggie diet on day two.

Large helping of melon and low-fat live yogurt.

Light meal
Mixed green salad, and a portion of your favourite pasta, drizzled with olive oil, crushed garlic and freshly chopped parsley.

Main meal
Low-fat yogurt mixed with cucumber, fresh mint, garlic, black pepper and 1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil. Plus, a grilled, skinless chicken breast with grilled tomato, iceberg lettuce and boiled or baked potatoes.

Large helping of melon and low-fat live yogurt.

Light meal
Mixed green salad, and a portion of your favourite pasta, drizzled with olive oil, crushed garlic and freshly chopped parsley.

Main meal
Low-fat yogurt mixed with cucumber, fresh mint, garlic, black pepper and 1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil. Plus, a grilled, skinless chicken breast with grilled tomato, iceberg lettuce and boiled or baked potatoes.

Muesli, porridge or other whole-grain cereal with semi-skimmed milk and a banana. Weight lose plan will allow you to take both vegetables and fruits for the entire day. Make sure that you do not touch potatoes in the veggie section and also make sure that you do not consume bananas from the fruit section.

Light meal 
Sliced hard-boiled egg with chunks of tomato, cucumber, fennel and lettuce in a wholemeal pitta bread. Never miss the option of drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water even on day three as well.

Main meal
Celery, apple and walnut salad. Plus, grilled trout with cauliflower and runner beans tossed with 1 tsp olive oil, a squeeze of lemon juice and chopped fresh parsley.

Large bunch of grapes.

Light meal 
Crudités of olives, radishes, carrot, fennel and celery, plus any vegetable soup, a wholewheat roll and a pear.

Main meal 
Portion of curried vegetables with plain boiled rice, and a tomato and onion salad.  Or you can have a cup of rice for lunch and take about six to seven tomatoes throughout the day.

Mixed melon salad. One glass of milk (fat free)

Light meal 
Large tomato stuffed with tuna, low-fat cottage cheese and black pepper, and a green salad. You will be allowed to take a cup of rice in the afternoon for lunch and you also need to stick on to a vegetable diet for the rest of the day.

Main meal

Cubes of chicken, beef, lamb or tofu stir-fried with mixed vegetables and noodles. Fruit salad with low-fat live yogurt flavoured with the zest of a lemon, ¼ tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp honey and 2 fresh mint leaves. It is also important for you to make sure that you take at least 8 to 12 glasses of water on day six as well. There is no doubt that you will also be improving your digestive system completely with this seven day diet plan.

One boiled egg and one slice of wholemeal toast, very thinly scraped with butter. Plus, a glass of fresh, unsweetened juice.

Light meal 
Salad of red radicchio and chicory leaves with grilled mushrooms, a wholemeal roll, an apple and a pear. you are allowed to take a cup of rice and all the veggies that you would love to eat along with the fruit juice of your choice.

Main meal
Salad of pink grapefruit and melon with low-fat fromage frais. Grilled salmon steak with boiled potatoes and a green vegetable. Plus, a matchbox-sized portion of low-fat cheese with a stick of celery.

                   So, for all the overweight people who are starving their stomach away to lose excess weight, try the healthier and fastest way to lose weight by following my 7 days diet plan. 

