Top ten hairstyles for 2014 Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Top ten hairstyles for 2014

Good hair day? That's so 2013. These new hairstyles—gorgeous blowouts, braids, curls, ponytails, and more—are your ticket to a good hair year...

Start planning your new season makeover now - with some help from our guide to spring/summer '14's biggest hair trends. 

(read more: Hairstyles for short hair)

Long-hair look  with bouncy layers that add volume and extra style to an otherwise plain long hair style. These bouncy layers are a great way to add bouncy to your look, without having to compromise on length. Go for layers that start from the mid-level of your hair length, gradually coming down in scattered layers till the end. You can add the fringe for a funkier look. Goes great with wavy long hair.

Hair-color daredevils, take note: The new look is a horizontal band of bleached hair that stretches from ear to ear. Also known as "splashlights," this hair-color effect is unlike anything we've seen.

(read more : How to get rid of unwanted hair)

A thick, jagged layer of eye-skimming bangs is s**y, cool, and all the other adjectives we usually ascribe to Jane Birkin. Bangs like these flatter oval and heart-shaped faces, but the real trick to acing them is the length: The bangs have to be short in the middle and longer at the temples.

                                             long waves hairstyle
   If you’ve got long hair that naturally comes down in curls or waves, you’ve got a style that many would pay a fortune to get! Love your waves and curls and remember, tumbling down waves/curls are a great way to accentuate the length of your hair. Add a side fringe to add a dash of style and break the monotony.

It’s a very simple and hairstyles which looks good on everyone and every outfit.

Apply heat protection to dry hair. Curl sections of hair using a large barrel iron. Set with a flexible hold spray. Do a waterfall braid on one side and temporarily secure it with a clip. Do the same on the other side and secure it with your hand. Unclip the other side and secure both sides together with an elastic. Smooth fringe area with a flat iron.Set with a finishing spray. 

It’s very simple and easy to do. Use a rat tail comb and tease a lot, then make a bun with some strands of hair and bobby pin it, then cover it with more teased hair.  


Section out hair to be curled on one side.  On the other side, do a French braid on one side. Instead of braiding under, braid over.  Continue braiding until you reach the other side.  Leave out a ponytail and secure with an elastic band.  Apply thermal protection to the ponytail and the hair sectioned out.  Curl all the hair left out.  Secure with a finishing spray.


Comb your hair and disentangle Now take a small section of your hair  Keep rolling it 2-3 times as shown in the image (don’t do it more than 3 times). This helps in keeping the puff intact and gives it a better shape too.Now bend the puff carefully . Be careful so that you don’t mess it. After bending, move your puff forward with the help of your fingers. Keep a mirror in front of you while doing this step so that you can know how much height you want. Do this step slowly and carefully and don’t mess your puff.  Keep it intact with a clutch or bobby pins. 


Divide your hair into two large sections, parting straight down the middle. For a sharper look, you can use a comb to part your hair evenly. If you'd prefer the tousled (from The Hunger Games) look, though, simply part it with your hands. Pull a thin strand of hair from the outside of the left section. the strand of hair has gone over the left section and finishes under the right section. In general, try to use the same thickness for each strand throughout or your braid will look uneven. For a more intricate braid, use skinnier strands. It takes more effort, but it looks gorgeous. Using skinnier strands is very lovely. For a beginner, pulling it tighter helps you to learn the method properly, Repeat on the right side. Pull a skinny strand of hair from the outside of the right section, pull it over the right section, then weave it under the left section. Keep alternating sides, weaving over and under, until you reach the bottom of the braid. That is, for the traditional look. You could always tie off half way through to mix it up a bit! Tie off the end with a hair bobble or elastic. Add a cute ribbon, barrette or charm to give it some personality if you'd like!                                                                                                                                                                         



  1. Thanks for sharing this post is very helpful for me


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