Designer Saree Pink and Gold - Online Buy Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Designer Saree Pink and Gold - Online Buy

Designer Saree Pink and Gold 

Product description

Buy Now @ Amazon
Price : Rs 1699 MRP : 2999

Embroidery Work & Mirror Work Saree With Extra Mirrors
Premium Quality Saree Fabric: Chinon + Net, Embellished with Heavy Embrioderry & Stone Work
Saree Length: 6.5 Mtr Including 0.85 Mtr Designer Blouse Piece
Embellished with Heavy Embrioderry Work, Stone Work, Lace Border Work
Do Not Bleach; Wash Separately in Cold Water, Ideal Saree if You Are Looking For Women The Bridal, Casual, Ceremonial, Cocktail, Festival, Mehendi, Party, Wedding, Office Wear Saree, Sarees (Women's Clothing Sarees for women latest Color Sarees collection in latest Sarees with designer Blouse Piece free size beautiful bollywood Sarees for women party wear offer designer Sarees with Blouse piece Sarees Buy Online Today Holi Special Offers New Collection)

  • Premium Quality Saree Fabric: Chinon + Net
  • Saree Length: 6 Mtr Including 0.80 Mtr Designer Blouse Piece
  • 100% Genuine Product + Money-back Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Color: Pink + Golden
  • Pattern: Royal Embroidered Work
  • Type: Half Half Saree
  • Brand: FabFort
  • Please Click on the "FabFort" Blue link above to See Our Unique Collection For Wedding, Festival & all Ceremonial Seasons
  • Be Aware with other seller having a same design in low rate, We (FabFort) provide you the best quality
  • Precautions: Hand Wash Only.
  • There might be minor colour variation between actual product and image shown on screen due to your monitor settings
  • Ideal if you are looking for sarees for Women Party Wear Saree, Georgette Sarees, Fancy Sarees, Plain sarees, Wedding Sarees, Latest Sarees, Daily Wear Sarees, Bollywood Designer Sarees, Bridal Season Saree
  • FabFort, owner and designer for Fashion Boutique has more than 25 years experience in the fashion retail industry. His vision of providing excellent customer service and the latest in fashions to women of all ages, has made Fashion Boutique a favorite among shoppers. FabFort opened Boutique in 1998 in a small section of a gift shop in its regional area, carrying only lingerie, belts, scarves, handbags and a few other accessories. As his business grew, he increased her area to include a inventory of ladies fashions. Always wanting to provide his loyal customers with unique fashion sense and customer service.


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