how to whiten bikini area using baking soda Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

how to whiten bikini area using baking soda

Has your bikini line turned darker than the rest of your skin? This is a common problem many women have and is a cause of concern, especially when you want to show off your body at the beach. There are certain areas your body, such as the bikini line, that tend to darken more than others and can suffer the appearance of marks that can ruin the unified tone of your skin. However, there are some natural remedies and treatments that can thankfully help to whiten the bikini area and keep it looking beautiful.  

Causes of Dark Bikini Area or Pubic Area  

Dead skin Cells  

Skin dehydration or excessive accumulation of dead skin cells in the area. 


If you think some sort of deodorant can help you get rid of the genital odor, then you are wrong. Most of these chemical sprays though helps in getting rid of the odor for a little while yet it leaves behind dark and lasting bikini lines.Thus, it is better not to use too much of deodorants on your bikini lines. Go for some home remedies that will make your bikini line lighter. 

Hair removal 

Shaving the bikini area regularly and using hair removal creams also causes the skin to darken easily. Any chemical based product without a trace of doubt   does more harm than good when used on the dark genital area. You can now find variety of natural and homemade remedies that can remove hair from your bikini line. It is better to use those home remedies for hair removal instead of cosmetic creams. 

(read more: How to use baking soda for Acne)

How to avoid darkness of bikini area naturally 


Bikini area MUST NOT be shaved nor it should be cleaned using the harsh chemical based hair removal creams. Instead use the natural hair removal methods like cold or hot waxing. It’s definitely going to be painful but it’s the best method to keep away from those embarrassing dark lines and wrinkles. 

Wear natural cotton underwear 

Wet genital areas may cause pungent odor and darken the bikini line if not taken proper and timely care. It is wise to use underwear which is made using light or perhaps thin material such as cotton. Since they tend to dry easily and prevent rashes as well. 

(read more: How to remove pubic hair )

How to use baking soda for Whiting dark bikini line 

Bikini line and pubic area is the region where you can get dark skin. But this natural remedy to help you remove the darkness just in a week or two. 

Things you need: 

  • Baking Soda 1 tps 
  • Water 


You have to take a tablespoon of baking soda in a container and mix it with water. Now apply the paste over the bikini line or pubic area where you have dark lines and spots. Keep this for 5 minutes and then remove with Luke warm water. This provides a wonderful remedy to get rid of dark lines in bikini area. Do this twice a week. 


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