Beauty tips to get Sparkling Beautiful eyes – Home Remedy Skip to main content

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Beauty tips to get Sparkling Beautiful eyes – Home Remedy

Attractive beautiful eyes that shine and look radiant make you even more pretty. It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul and if that is true, one must look after their eyes. When we meet anyone, their eyes are what we look at and notice. Due to stress dark circles can come and the eye can look less attractive so, if you want to make your eyes sparkling and beautiful then these home remedies and beauty tips will surely help you.

Beauty tips to get Sparkling Beautiful eyes – Home Remedy


Cucumbers are one of the widely known home remedies for dark under eyes. It is considered as the most effective way to brighten your tired eyes. The high water content in the cucumber is the main ingredient that will help the most. Take an ice-cold cucumber and cut it into thick slices. Relax your head and place these slices on your closed eyes. Keep it on for 10 minutes or till the cucumber slices get warm.


Strawberries that are stored in the fridge are a treat on a summer day. It is considered one of the best anti aging fruits loaded with antioxidants. But most people don’t know that strawberries can cure puffy and tired looking eyes and can give you bright white eyes naturally. Strawberries will help your eyes appear brighter and healthy. Remove the tops of a few frozen strawberries and cut them into slices. Place these strawberries under your eyes and let them on for 5 minutes. Wash and moisturize your face after removing them.

(read more : How to get naturally pink lips with Strawberry)

Exercise the Eyes:

You can try some simple eye exercises to relax your eyes. It works better if you can practice these just before going to bed. Take a pen and move it horizontally and vertically in front of your eyes. Try to focus your eyes on the tip of the pen.


Take 2 spoons and put them in the freezer for 20 minutes then use that spoon on the eyes and rest for 20 minutes. This is one of the easiest beauty tips for puffiness of eyes removal.

Potato Slices:

Like cucumber, the water content in potatoes helps in reducing the puffiness around the eyes. It is also an effective home remedy for dark circles. Potatoes also contain a high amount of vitamin C and potassium. The potassium will help to keep all the fluids balanced in the body. The skin will absorb anything put on it. The skin will thus absorb all the essential nutrients. You will have bright and healthy eyes. This remedy will also help to eliminate the dark circles around the eyes. Store a potato in the fridge overnight (2 hours will do the job too). Cut it into thick slices. Close your eyes and rest your head on something comfortable. Place the cold slices on your eyelids. Leave it on for 10 minutes or till the slices become warm. Change the slices if you want a more relaxing effect and leave it on for another 10 minutes. Distract yourself from your eyes. Listen to music and wave a goodbye to your stress.

Tea Bags:

Apply cooled tea bags over closed eyes. Don’t use herbal tea bags, because most aren’t as effective as the black tea bags.

(read more: Health benefits of Black Tea)

Rose Water:

Rose water is another effective way to soothe, reduce and heal eye strain and provide you with attractive and sparkling eye. Take a small bowl with a few teaspoons of cool rose water. Soak two cotton pads in the rose water and place them on your eyelids. Leave it on for 10 minutes. You will have a soothing experience with this home remedy.

Lavender Oil:

Lavender oil is an age old hair fall home remedy that also aids to relieve tired and strained eyes. Take ½ liter water in a bowl and add a drop of lavender oil to it. Mix it together and dip two cotton pads into this mixture. Place these cotton pads on your eyelids.


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