Eggplant or Brinjal, is a very low calorie vegetable and has healthy nutrition profile; good news for weight watchers! The veggie is popularly known as aubergine in the western world. Botanically, aubergine belongs to Solanaceae family and named as Solanum melongena. This perennial plant is native to Indian subcontinent and now grown in many tropical and semitropical regions. Nutritional/ Medicinal Value of Brinjal A 100 grams of brinjal contains the following nutritional value Total Carbohydrates – 17.8g Protein – 8g Saturated Fat – 5.2g Dietary Fiber – 4.9g Total Fat – 27.5g Cholesterol – 16mg Sugars – 11.4g Iron – 6mg Vitamin A – 6.4 mg Calcium – 525 mg Sodium – 62mg Potassium – 618mg Health Benefits of Brinjal or eggplant Great for weight loss Brinjals are great for weight loss as they are low in calories with 100g of the vegetable containing just 25 calories. It is also rich in fibre which helps in promoting the feeling...
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