Kareena Kapoor Beauty tips and Flawless skin secrets for Glowing Skin and Hair Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Kareena Kapoor Beauty tips and Flawless skin secrets for Glowing Skin and Hair

Kareen Kapoor also known as Bebo, is one of the top Bollywood stars, as her talent is hardly matched by many actresses. However, when she steps on the red or the green carpet we can't stop but envy her perfect look! The lovely actress likes to keep a low profile when it comes to giving out her beauty secrets, as each time she is questioned about her beauty routine she just blames it all on her genes. However, we managed to dig out some of her deepest secrets!

Actress Kareena Kapoor says she does not follow any particular beauty regime but avoids using any kind of chemical on her face. “I don’t follow any particular regime as such. But moisturisation is important for me as I have a dry skin. I don’t use any chemical on my face. I do pilates to keep myself fit,” Kareena said.
The 33-year-old actress said to keep her lustrous locks healthy she oils them regularly. “I try to oil my hair regularly and it feels nice too. It’s a kind of stress-buster. Everybody likes a nice hair and body massage,” said Kareena, who has been appointed as the brand ambassador for Naturals salon chain.
Bebo drinks a lot of water to make sure her skin is always hydrated from inside out, not just from the outside. To make sure you are always hydrated, which is one of the most valuable beauty secrets ever, drink at least 6 glasses of water or tea each day.

One of Kareena's beauty secrets consists of using the blow-drier. You probably think this is a huge no, as it can damage your hair, but you are wrong! To add volume on your hair use a rotative brush on the roots and the blow drier.
Bebo turned to a vegetarian diet. The change turned out to be a great switch for the actress who confesses giving up on meat helped to lose weight. This is because Kareena's favorite foods, spinach, broccoli and fenugreek, contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Kareena Kapoor's beauty secrets she advises us all to life healthy and embrace a natural lifestyle. To promote a glowing skin you need to stick to hydration and natural, home-made products, as well as regular makeup cleaning routine. For your hair, you also needs to stick on the natural side, with natural mask and oils for proper hydration and a regular cleaning routine. Exercising and healthy diet also matters when you want to look stunning 24/7, so make sure you eat as many vitamins and minerals you can, because they promote natural beauty better than any type of makeup.


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