Health benefits and Useful information of Cabbage Skip to main content

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Health benefits and Useful information of Cabbage

Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetable plants and is believed to be originated in Asia and the Mediterranean. Today, cabbage is probably one of the most widely cultivated plants worldwide in both tropical and semitropical regions. Cabbage is also a good source of dietary fiber, providing nearly 15 percent of daily recommended dietary intake. Fiber is very important for ensuring the body’s digestive system is functioning at optimum level.

Health benefits and Useful information of Cabbage

Good for the brain

Cabbage, especially red cabbage, has a very high Vitamin K content, which helps with your mental functions and improves your concentration. It also helps to prevent damage to the nerves and provides you with a defense against Alzheimer’s disease.

Boosts your immune system

Cabbage is very good for your immune system too, so it can help to keep infections and disease at bay. Cabbage contains phytonutrients and antioxidants, as well as it’s high in Vitamin C, all of which help to boost your immune system.

Eye health

With the presence of vitamin A and beta carotene cabbage fosters the good eye sight by macular degeneration.

Weight loss

Cabbage is composed of low calories and helps to decrease the body weight, It cleans the intestine upper area and eliminates the waste materials that are residing in the intestine.

Helps prevents cancer

Cabbage has phytonutrients like sulforaphane that helps in preventing cancer by diminishing the impact of carcinogenic attacks on your body. Some studies have linked sulforaphane to tumour preventing properties. Additionally, they have glucosinolates that add to its cancer-preventive properties.

Good for pregnant women

Cabbage contains Folic acid which is great for pregnant women as it can help prevent neurological birth defects in their new born. Besides cabbage, pregnant women should eat other green leafy vegetables like spinach.

Increases skin complexion

Owning to the sources of vitamin A and Vitamin E cabbage rejuvenates the skin tissues and detoxifies the body. This process increments the complexion of the skin and makes more smooth and supple.


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