Tomato - An excellent remedy for tanned skin Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Tomato - An excellent remedy for tanned skin

If you are looking for natural solutions to get a glowing and radiant skin, tomato can be your best friends. It really helps to remove tans.

How to use tomato for Tanned Skin

Tomato and Lemon Juice Mask

Take half tomato and add 5-6 drops of lemon juice, then grind or squeeze it and take out the juice and apply on clean face and neck leave until it becomes dry then wash it using cold water. You can also apply this mask on arms and tanned areas daily.

Tomato red lentil Face mask

Red lentil, commonly known as Masoor dal, is not just a north Indian delicacy, but also a potent tan removal ingredient. When this wonder dal is combined with aloe and tomato extract, a powerful tan removal pack is born!

To make this wonderful skin rejuvenator, soak a whole tablespoon of masoor dal and make a rough paste of it. Add equal quantities of tomato paste and aloe extract. Apply it on your face and let it stay for half an hour before you wash it off with cold water.


You can also tomato directly. just cut the tomato in two pieces and rub it on your face. this method will you a tan free pink glow on your face.


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