Home remedies for regaining the firmness of Saggy Breasts Skip to main content

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Home remedies for regaining the firmness of Saggy Breasts

There are a number of home remedies for regaining the firmness of saggy breasts, including regular pectoral exercises, olive oil massaging, ice massaging, cucumber and egg mask, vegetable oils and essential oils in different forms. Regaining the firmness of saggy breasts is very important for breastfeeding mothers, but it is important to take precautions while doing any exercises or changing your diet and behavior during your pregnancy.

Before we analyze some of the solutions for sagging breasts, it is important to understand what some of the causes are, so you can specifically direct your preventative techniques or treatments.

Though saggy breasts usually start happening after a woman reaches 40, it can occur earlier. Apart from age, other factors that cause sagging breasts include breastfeeding, pregnancy, menopause, rapid weight loss or gain, strenuous exercise, nutritional deficiencies and wearing a poorly fitting bra.

Some diseases like breast cancer or respiratory conditions like tuberculosis can also cause breasts to sag. Also, excessive consumption of nicotine, alcohol and carbonated beverages can contribute to the problem.

Breasts do not have muscle. They are made of fat, connective tissues and milk-producing glands, and they need proper care to keep them in good shape.

A wide variety of creams and lotions are available on the market to tighten and tone up sagging breasts. However, if you prefer natural methods, there are many simple and easy home remedies that you can try.

(must read: how to increase breast size naturally)

Home Remedies to firm Sagging breasts

Breast Exercise

One of the best ways to add firmness to breasts is pectoral exercise. The easiest and most popular exercise is to do push-ups, which strengthen the pectoral muscles beneath the breasts. Overall, it will help to shape up the breast and reduce the excess fat deposits around the chest. Lifting weights can also strengthen pectoral muscles, including arm curls, chest presses, dumbbell flys (on your back, arms out to the sides, rising above you), and many other variations you can try that make you feel your chest muscles working.


Massage your breasts at least 2-3 times per week with olive oil. It will help add firmness to the skin as well as improve the skin tone and texture. It will also tone your chest and increase the elasticity of the skin. Massage draws blood to the surface of the skin, and increased blood flow stimulates muscle growth, cell repair, and other beneficial activities that will reduce the appearance and severity of sagging breasts.

Ice Massage

Ice massage is also considered very effective to regain firmness in sagging breasts and uplift them. The cold temperature will cause the tissue to contract, in turn making the breasts appear firmer and more lifted. Take 2 ice cubes and massage them in circular motions around each of your breasts for 1 minute only. Dry the breasts with a soft towel and immediately put on a proper fitting bra. Stay in a reclining position for 30 minutes. Do this at regular intervals throughout the day.


Poor posture is one of the most overlooked causes of sagging breasts. By lowering your shoulders and hunching forward, you are not giving any structural support to your breasts, and they hang freely, completely at the mercy of gravitational forces. Poor posture can also exacerbate any back pain or muscle soreness you have from large breasts, which happen to be the type of breasts that show signs of sagging the most dramatically.

Olive Oil

Massaging your breasts with olive oil is an excellent technique to firm sagging breasts. Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants and fatty acids that can reverse the damage caused by free radicals and prevent sagging breasts. Plus, it will help improve the skin tone and texture. Put some olive oil onto your palms and rub them together to generate heat. Rub your palms over your breasts in an upward motion. Massage gently for about 15 minutes to increase blood flow and stimulate cell repair. Follow this remedy at least 4 or 5 times per week.


In Ayurveda, fenugreek is often used to firm sagging breasts. It has vitamins and antioxidants that combat free radical damage and help lift, tighten and smooth skin around the breasts. Mix 1/4 cup of fenugreek powder with enough water to form a thick paste. Massage this paste onto your breasts and leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water. Follow this remedy once or twice a week. You can also prepare a breast mask with 1/2 cup of yogurt, 10 drops each of fenugreek oil and vitamin E oil and 1 egg white. Mix the ingredients until you get a smooth paste. Apply the paste onto your breasts and rub it in gently. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. Use this mask once a week.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has natural skin-tightening properties that can help get rid of sagging breasts. The antioxidants in aloe vera prevent damage caused by free radicals and help firm sagging breasts. Apply aloe vera gel onto your breasts and massage gently in a circular motion for 10 minutes. Allow it to sit for another 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Repeat this remedy 4 or 5 times a week to get effective results. You can also prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 1 teaspoon each of mayonnaise and honey. Apply this onto your breasts and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse it off first with warm water and then use cold water. Do this once a week.

Vegetable Oil

You can also use vegetable oils like almond oil or grape seed oil to massage onto your breasts. It will help the nourishment of the skin, toning the structure and giving extra zeal. One can add essential oils along with vegetable oils, if you think it is required.

Special Bras

It is very important to consider the kind of bras you wear if you are not happy with how saggy your breasts have become. You need to select the appropriate bra which makes the breast look firm and provides enough support to keep it high and tight. There are special bras available in the market which have strong support holders at the cup bottoms which lift your breast and keep them firm. Usually, the employees at lingerie stores or department stores are able to point you in the right direction for the bra which will best satisfy your needs.

Additional Tips

  • Avoid extreme dieting as drastic weight loss in a short time span can cause your breasts to sag.

  • Enjoy swimming as it is a great exercise to firm breasts.

  • Do not directly expose your breasts to the sun without sunscreen. Sunlight can lead to loss of skin elasticity. Apply sunscreen on your breasts whenever you are wearing a tank top, bathing suit or sundress that has a low neckline.

  • Stop smoking to improve overall health and to protect the fragile skin of the breasts.

  • Make sure to correct your posture to avoid sagging breasts. Always sit straight and walk straight, without drooping.

  • Avoid doing forward bends, contracting poses, jogging and running without wearing a supportive bra.

  • Make it a habit to drink an ample amount of water daily to hydrate your skin.

  • If you are overweight, lose weight. Excessive body weight causes the skin to stretch and breasts to sag.

  • You can also try yoga to tone and tighten the breasts within a realistic range.

  • Eat healthy foods with essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, calcium, minerals, carbohydrates and essential fats that are required to firm up the breasts.


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