Yami Gautam Beauty secrets and Fitness tips Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Yami Gautam Beauty secrets and Fitness tips

Raised in Chandigarh, Himachal beauty Yami Gautam is known not just for her acting talent, but her beautiful skin and hair too. Most young girls across the country would like to know the secret behind that dewy complexion and silky hair. Well, Yami believes in all-natural skin and hair care.

Read below to know her beauty secrets and the hard work behind the secrets that has made her as the new heart-throb of the nation.

(Read: Sonakshi Sinha Weight loss tips)

Yami Gautam Beauty secrets and Fitness Skin  

No chemicals

Yami Gautam believes in using home remedies and concoctions prepared at home to keep her skin blemish free and forever glowing. She believes that chemicals in lotions and face packs do your skin more harm in the long run than the good it does in the short run. So she makes use of recipes that use ingredients that can be easily found in an Indian kitchen.


Being a true believer that beauty comes from within, she regularly practices meditation, which further helps her be stress-free.  Being an actress, wearing make up for long hours is not uncommon. So she ensures that before sleeping, she removes the makeup and apply some night cream or a moisturizer to protect her skin.


She uses a homemade exfoliation pack regularly. It includes ground rice powder, milk and yoghurt. This pack is easy to make and as easy to apply. It opens all her pores and allows her skin to breathe.

(read: Homemade face Scrub)

Healthy diet

The key to her fit body and glowing skin is her healthy diet. She consumes a rich diet of fruits, vegetables and other vitamins and minerals. She consumes a glass of pomegranate juice daily. She starts her day with a glass of lukewarm water, lemon and honey. She then has a light breakfast, a standard lunch which includes dal, vegetables or chicken curry with chapatti, curd and cucumber salad and lots of fruits in between. Her evening snacks are again light and then dinner consists of grilled fish.

Hair care

Egg whites- "There's nothing like using egg whites in your hair. You'll see an instant shine," Yami reveals. But she warns us about how hard it is to get the smell off. Nevertheless, it's worth it.

Glowing Skin

For her healthy glowing skin, she gives all the credit to 20 minutes jogging and 90 minutes of hot yoga.


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