Jacqueline Fernandez Beauty and Fitness Secrets Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Jacqueline Fernandez Beauty and Fitness Secrets

Jacqueline Fernandez’s fabulous performance in movies, her flawless beauty, her sensuous curves, her brand endorsements, or her Chitthiyan Kalaiyaan, she is the talk of the town. Jacqueline was crowned Miss Sri Lanka in 2006, before she stepped into Bollywood. Her debut shot in the industry was a huge disaster. But, soon after her film Murder 2, she came in the limelight. And, her recent blockbuster hit Kick, with Salman Khan, has made her even more popular. Now, this stunning diva is all set to burn the silver screen with Ranbir Kapoor and Arjun Rampal in Roy.

Well, if you girls want to know the secrets behind this diva’s glowing skin and her fabulous figure, then here it is. Take a look as we bring to you Jacqueline’s beauty and fitness mantras that you too can follow.

(Read: Sunny Leone Beauty tips and fitness secrets)

Jacqueline Fernandez Beauty and Fitness Secrets

Makeup Secrets of Jacqueline Fernandez

After moisturizing her skin, Jacqueline applies a primer. She likes The Body Shop Pore Minimizer. For her everyday makeup she prefers BB creams over heavy foundations. Then she wears a blush and a bright lipstick in peach or pink shade. Her daily make up routine is simple Dermalogica multivitamin eye and lip defense cream, MAC compact in NC 41 and Bobbi Brown eye liner. Jacqueline also loves red lipstick a lot. She likes to use beetroot juice for a natural color on lips.

Jacqueline’s Hair Care Routine

Just like her skin and makeup, Jacqueline is very particular about her hair care as well. From natural hair care to seeking out the best hair care products, this diva knows what suits her hair and she makes sure to indulge in that. Being a celebrity, her hair face a lot of damage due to styling and styling products. Thus, she makes it a point to shampoo her hair after any kind of treatment it has gone through. She swears by hair massages. And, once a week she indulges her hair in hot coconut oil massages. She rinses her hair with beer and uses a homemade egg white mask to get that perfect shine. She loves to use Kerastase products on her hair and uses its hair mask every week. For her hair, she religiously takes zinc supplements, flax seeds, and foods rich in omega-3, like fish and nuts.

Fitness Secrets of Jaqueline Fernandez

She truly believes that a fit person is a happy one! Here is her fitness mantra in a nutshell: After waking up at 7 am in the morning, she has a cup of green tea. She works out for an hour or two at home. Her fitness regime includes everything from swimming and dancing to kapalbhati. Of all forms, yoga remains her favorite, and she is known to do the perfect headstand! No matter how busy the diva gets, she makes sure to take some time out for meditation and pranayama.

Skin Care Secrets of Jackie

She follows a very basic cleansing routine. Jacqueline cleanses her face with Cetaphil face wash and then uses La Prairie moisturizer with SPF 15, which also works as a sunscreen. She had battled acne as a teenager but taking proper care of her diet solved the problem. She emphasizes a lot on properly cleansing her face. Jacqueline also tones and moisturizes her skin regularly. She like Dermalogica products a lot. For home remedies, she often uses yogurt and honey in a pack to cool and soothe her face. She wrap ice cubes in thin muslin or tissue and then places them gently on cheeks and eyes. She also sometimes uses honey as a lip balm. An unusual ritual that Jackie follows the first thing in the morning for her skin is to drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily with warm water.

(Read: Sonakshi sinha weight loss secrets)

(Read: Sonam Kapoor Glamourous Hairstyles)

Read: Deepika Padukone Beauty and fitness secrets)


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