How to use Turmeric for Acne - Face Mask Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

How to use Turmeric for Acne - Face Mask

Turmeric beauty masks have been used across Asia for centuries. They are known in Chinese and Indian traditions, and are an element of the Ayurveda medical system. In south Asia, they were an integral part of the bride’s wedding preparations, making her look spotless and glamorous on her big day.

Turmeric contains a photochemical called curcumin, which can benefit the body, both inside and out.

Turmeric mask works for acne and eczema. It reduces inflammation and redness, and promotes skin healing. Due to turmeric’s antioxidant properties, it has been used for skin rejuvenation. It helps softening lines and wrinkles, giving the face a more youthful appearance. It is also effective with rosacea – a chronic skin condition that is characterized by redness and pimples. It eases the redness and treats this disease.

Turmeric Homemade Face Mask Recipe for Acne

Take 4 tablespoons turmeric powder and to this add 1 tablespoon milk and 4 tablespoons raw turmeric for acne honey. Stir this mix in a clean bowel until it becomes a smooth paste. Keep this mix in the refrigerator to cool.

An alternate set of ingredients are – 8 tablespoons turmeric powder mixed with 5 tablespoons olive oil or sesame oil. Mix these in a clean bowl until a smooth and creamy paste is formed.

The rest of the treatment steps are the same for both types of turmeric acne pastes.

Take a long hot shower to soften your skin using mild shower gel or bath soap. Avoid all medicated, glycerin and antibacterial products that can dry out the skin. While in the shower, take a washcloth and dip it in very hot water (as much as your hands can stand). Apply the hot wash cloth directly on affected areas for at least 5 minutes. This will help to bring pus in inflamed acne lesions to the surface. Now pat your skin dry.

Use your fingers and apply the turmeric paste to the dry, soft skin, using gentle massaging motion. Massage for at least 10 minutes. Leave this to dry overnight. The turmeric will dry and become stiff like a mask. This action will reduce the acne size. Rinse the dried paste in the morning. Turmeric will stain clothes. So use old clothes and bed sheets when following this treatment. Turmeric will also leave a yellowish tinge on the skin. To clear this, wipe these areas with a cotton ball dipped in a few drops of a mild facial toner.

Turmeric and yoghurt

For this turmeric acne mask, take 2 teaspoons of yoghurt and combine this with ½ teaspoon turmeric powder and a small quantity of honey. Yoghurt that is rich in lactic acid acts as a gentle exfoliator. Apply this mask on the face for ½ hour and rinse off after this.

Turmeric and oatmeal mask

Oatmeal is a great exfoliator. Combine 1 tablespoon each of oatmeal flour and lentil powder and ½ teaspoon turmeric. Mix these in fresh water, make a smooth paste and apply on the skin. Leave for 20 minutes and wash off as before.

Organic facial mask with turmeric

This is a good mask for acne-prone skin. Take ½ teaspoon sandalwood powder and ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder. Combine these two powders with 2 tablespoons curd until you get a smooth paste. Apply this gently on pimples and lie down for at least 20 minutes. Wash this off with warm water. Finally splash on some cold water, dry your skin and apply a suitable moisturizer.

Always clean the affected areas or take a steam bath or warm shower to open up clogged pores. Relax with your mask for the required time. Place cooled down chamomile teabags, cotton pads dipped in lavender or rose water or cucumber slices on your eyes to give wonderful relaxing feeling.

A few words of caution while using turmeric for acne

While there are a few side effects when taking turmeric capsules or supplements, there are not too many side effects when using turmeric on the skin. In rare cases, people can develop a skin rash. Otherwise, the only side effect is that turmeric will leave a yellow tinge on the skin that can be cleared using a cotton swab and facial toner.


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