Romantic Makeup tips for Valentine’s Day Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Romantic Makeup tips for Valentine’s Day

Whether you’re spending Valentine’s Day with that special someone this year, February 14. Taking good care of your skin is the first step towards successfully creating any desired makeup look. The key to romantic makeup is flawless dewy skin, so be sure to keep the skin hydrated. Here are some simple steps for getting gorgeous look for Valentine's Day.

Romantic Makeup tips for Valentine’s Day

Hydrate & correct primer

First, prepare the skin by moisturizing. Follow with a citrus-based color corrector to counteract under eye blue/purple undertones and neutralize any unwanted red tones, such as spots and blemishes. Use in conjunction with the apricot shade to further brighten and even the skin tone.

Apply foundation

Next, apply a light-reflecting sheer liquid foundation and use a concealer only where you need it most. If you have a particularly oily t-zone, dust with translucent powder to set.

Add cheek color

Apply a blend of sandy beige and pink powder blush to the apples of your cheeks and blend along the cheekbone. To add some extra warmth to skin, finish with a light dusting of bronzer along the edges of your face and gently across the bridge of the nose, where the sunlight would naturally fall.

Add eye makeup

Brush on neutral beige eyeshadow and blend shimmery mocha eyeshadow on top, working it from the lash line to the socket crease. For a sultrier look, blend plum eyeshadow into the hollow of the socket focusing on the outer corners. Using a fine eyeliner brush, apply a thin line of shimmery mocha shadow just under the roots of the lower lashes and blend to touch in the inner corners to open up your eyes.

Enhance eyes

For added definition, draw along the upper lash line with a black eyeliner pencil and thicken the line gradually from the middle of the eyelid towards the outer corner of the eye, extending it slightly beyond the eye and curving it upwards to create a subtle flick. Draw along the inner rim of the lower lid to elongate the eye. Curl lashes and apply mascara.

5 Tips for Your Valentine's Day Lips:

1. If you are hesitant to wear bright red lipstick, wear a soft red lip gloss instead.

2. Valentine’s Day is all about kissing the one you love. Be sure to keep your lips hydrated with shea butter. This natural ingredient keeps your lips smoother longer than petroleum.

3. Use your lip liner on top of lipstick. This helps to avoid the oblivious line around the lips when your gloss comes off. Lining after your lip color also allows for easier application and blend ability.

4. To feel more romantic, use naturally scented lip products.

5. For fuller lips, add shimmer to the inner lips to create the illusion of fullness.


  1. Now only I am hearing makeup tips for even Valentine’s Day. I like it very much.


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