Beauty Tips or Benefits of Coconut Water Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Beauty Tips or Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water is not just a drink to give you a soothing and relaxing feeling on your beach holiday or in the scorching summer heat. But, this healthy and nutritious drink is fast emerging as the popular beverage choice for avid health conscious people around the world. Besides the innumerable health benefits of drinking coconut water, applying it has an amazing effect on the skin and hair. It provides you with a glowing and beautiful skin, and soft and shiny hair that you have always desired. So, take a look at a few amazing beauty benefits of this refreshing drink.

Beauty Benefits of Coconut Water

Hydration for Healthy Skin

Every organ in your body, including skin, requires water to function properly. While water is always the preferred choice for hydration, according to Clemson Cooperative Extension, the occasional glass of coconut water is a healthy option for hydration, especially for those who need flavor in their beverages. Coconut water is low in calories, with 44 calories per 1-cup serving, and a source of the essential nutrients vitamin C, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Drinking more fluids such as coconut water may not make your skin more radiant and glowing, says the University of Wisconsin-Madison, but it keeps it healthy.


You can reverse the age-clock by incorporating coconut water into your day-to-day beauty routine.  Enriched with the goodness of anti-oxidants and cytokinin, which have age-defying properties, coconut water is very beneficial in warding off premature wrinkles and keeps your skin younger-looking for a very long time.

Glowing Flawless Complexion

It brings an instant glow to your skin. For this, wash your face with coconut water every day. This will soon give you a glowing, smooth, and even-toned skin. Also, a pack of turmeric, coconut water, and red sandalwood paste will help you get a smooth and flawless complexion.

Remove Sun Tan

It can cure your sun tan as well. For this, apply a pack of multani mitti (fuller’s earth) and coconut water daily. This natural face pack removes tan and dark spots, leaving your skin with a radiant glow.

Nutrients for Energy and Structure

Carbohydrates, which your body turns into glucose through digestion and metabolism, is an important nutrient for skin health. Most of the calories in coconut water come from carbohydrates, with 10 grams in a 1-cup serving. Glucose from drinks such as coconut water is the primary source of energy for your skin, which uses as much glucose as your skeletal muscles, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Glucose is also an important component of skin cells. Not getting enough carbs in your diet may affect skin structure and appearance..

Soft and Shiny Hair

Massaging hair with coconut water every day can bid adieu to unruly, rough and frizzy hair. It makes your hair smooth, soft, and shiny. With its powerful hydrating properties, coconut water moisturizes your hair roots, giving them much strength. It can also be used as a natural conditioner.

Coconut Face mask

You can also use coconut water as a facemask - thoroughly soak cotton pads in the coconut water and apply them to your face. Leave them on for up to 30 minutes for radiant, hydrated and moisture-filled skin. 


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