How to Get Flat Tummy after Pregnancy Skip to main content

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How to Get Flat Tummy after Pregnancy

After carrying your precious bundle of joy for nine months, you've given birth--and now the hard work begins. In addition to caring for your baby, losing weight and regaining your pre-baby figure likely are high on your to-do list. You may have a difficult time achieving a flat stomach after pregnancy because your muscles have weakened and moved to make room for your baby.

Plan a healthy diet, exercise consistently and use resistance training to tone your muscles to lose the baby weight and get a flat tummy.

How to reduce belly after pregnancy

Step 1
A diet filled with nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains and lean proteins will help you to lose weight fast. Such foods will give you the energy you need to care for your baby and exercise--they also will make you feel full, yet help you lose weight.

Step 2
Practice proper posture, which may have suffered during your pregnancy. Slumping shoulders and poor back positioning can make your stomach appear pooched. Improve your postural muscles with exercises that strengthen your back and core muscles. Yoga and Pilates are good choices because they focus on making slow, controlled movements while strengthening your muscles and emphasizing good posture.

Step 3
Perform exercises that strengthen your abdominal muscles. Get clearance from your physician before training your abs, particularly if you had a cesarean section, which can injure your muscles and require time to heal.

Exercises to get Flat Tummy after Pregnancy


Build your walking routine until you are exercising for at least 150 minutes per week. This is the recommendation for most healthy women, but if you have a lot of stubborn belly fat, you may need as much as 300 minutes each week for effective weight loss. Spread this time out throughout the week for the most benefit.

Basic Stretching & Twisting

After few days of your start up you can move on to basic stretching exercises which are quite necessary for all your muscles. For your torso or upper body, you can try some twisting exercises as well. Do not push it too much- keep it light; you must feel active and energetic after these exercises.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises are quite versatile- your doc may have advised you to practice these during and after your pregnancy. You must complete ten numbers of squeezes reps that have to be taken three times a day. This ought to maintain your pelvic floor in a perfect shape as you wanted it to be.


Start with the gentle sit ups at the starting stage. This particular exercise helps you to reduce and cut down your weight on your lower tummy area affecting the muscles very well. Lie on your back with your head on the floor or on the bed. You can place your hands behind your neck and then slowly lift your head toward the ceiling. Or you can place your hands, crossed over one another, on side of your tummy area and slowly do your sit ups. This position will help you hold your abdominal muscles as you lift your head.


Yoga is the best exercise to reduce tummy after pregnancy. Involve yourself into daily, early morning yoga routine which is a complete package of exercises and breathing techniques for your mind and soul. You can either start practicing yoga at home or join some class which will keep you glued to it.


To lose weight as well as tone your muscles, exercise so that you get out of breath and speed up your heart beat. Swimming should only be opted after at least six to seven weeks of the birth to avoid any infections. Exercise tends to bore many new mommies as it demands repetitiveness and some mom’s don’t find proper time for exercise for their busy schedule. It’s up to you how you want it. It’s very important that you must feel up to do it.

We hope our exhaustive list of post-pregnancy exercises have made you realize the importance of exercise after pregnancy to reduce stomach. Follow them and bring back your pre-shape.

Good luck!


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