Spring Seasons Best Makeup Tips and Shades Skip to main content

Beauty Secrets of Onion for hair and skin

Spring Seasons Best Makeup Tips and Shades

It’s never an easy transition from winter into spring – can you ever be sure when it’s the perfect time to stop layering the dramatic colors and tone down the intensity?  Fortunately, we have the solution with the best colors in makeup to help you go from dark and cold into warm and bright. It only takes a glimpse of sun through the trees and to feel the chill leave the breeze – that’s your signal to lighten up and emerge fresh and beautiful like the first snow drop of spring. Step out of your comfort zone and be like spring – everything in nature is renewed, take some time for yourself and try something different!

Here are five hair and makeup looks you need to try this spring.

Orange Lips

DO go for a super bright orange lip color, as this shade works on all skin tones. The most important thing in choosing orange lipstick is the finish. Glossy and creamy shades are fresh and fun. Keep the rest of your makeup uncomplicated -- framing your face with bold brows, gilded eyelids and mascara. DON'T go matte with your orange lips AND your face makeup. It creates this blah finish that makes your face appear unnatural and tense.

Fresh Face, Winged Eyeliner

DO skip the heavy foundation and simply smooth on a tinted moisturizer or BB cream to go with this classic eye makeup look. We're going to give it to you straight: perfecting the cat-eye takes lots of practice. But with the right cream eyeliner and angled brush, you'll have it down in no time. DON'T go all wild with your winged eyeliner and top it off with a ghostly pale shade that washes out your skin. Stick to clean, simple lines using just one eyeshadow.

Thereal White Eyeshadow and Liner

A wash of iridescent whites and pinks at Alice + Olivia gave lids a dewy freshness. Stila makeup artists layered All Over Shimmer Liquid Luminizer in Pink Shimmer and Eye Shadow in Opal. At Tibi, white eyeliner and shadow rimmed inner corners of eyes, and created a cool cat-eye across the lids on top.


DO take the plunge and snip your strands into this medium-length haircut. The not-too-short and not-too-long hairstyle works for every face shape, and your styling possibilities are limitless. DON'T just chop your long locks until they fall right at your shoulders and then forget about the layers.

Metallic Nails

DO accentuate your sun-kissed complexion with a shiny and shimmering mani. Besides, aren't you bored with the usual pastel nail polishes? DON'T ruin your metallic manicure with an unnatural nail shape. And ditch the acrylic nails! 


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