Awesome Party Makeup - Step by Step with images Skip to main content

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Awesome Party Makeup - Step by Step with images

How to Apply Makeup for a Fancy Party. If you always struggle with applying make up for your fancy party, read below to find tips for the application to make you look beautiful.The step by step Party makeup tutorial is explained below:

Step 1:

Let’s begin with the eye makeup. I have used my foundation and applied the foundation as a concealer. If you have dark circles, then you should use a corrector before applying your concealer.

Step 2:
·         The next step is to apply a bright pink eye shadow (metallic finish) over the outer corner of your eye lid, just little above the crease area. Here, carefully pat the eye shadow over the outer portion of your eye lids instead of sweeping it. The patting motion will help to apply the color uniformly.

·         Now, apply a light light color eyeshadow on the crease area. Use a flat eye shadow brush for this step as it helps to achieve color intensity and remember to create maximum color intensity.

·         Please be very careful not to go beyond the crease area and not to move inside the lid area.

Step 3:
·         Now apply silver shimmery eyeshadow near the crease area. This step will give an illusion of deep set eyes. If you already have bigger eyes, you can still do these steps as it will give a soft smoky effect to your beautiful eyes.

·         The finished look is important. The two different shades should not stand out separately but should appear as a single color. The shades should be blended perfectly merging seamlessly into each other. At the same time, do not swipe too much, so that the metallic finish of these shadows are lost and mixed. There should be a soft gradation of colors.

Step 4:
·         Apply the same pink eye shadow on the lower lash line to give your eyes a smoky effect. This will complete the whole look and help balance out all the colors on the eye lid area.

·         Apply dark kohl a bit thicker than the usual line on the upper and the lower lash line. Here, I have used a liquid liner to create maximum color intensity; you can even use a gel liner. Curl your lashes with good mascara and complete the eye look.

·         I have just put the liner to create a wing at the outer corner of the eye. If you are not comfortable with dramatic look, just stopped the liner at the outer third corner of the eye without extending it further.

·         Remove all the fall-out of the eye-shadows below the eye with the help of a cotton swab. Apply a light concealer to highlight your eyes.

Cheek Makeup:
Apply a soft pink blush in a shimmer finish to add more drama to the whole makeup as the eye makeup is soft. You can also apply a matte pink blush but a shimmery blush will give a glowing effect to the skin, perfect for the occasion.

Lip Makeup:
To complete the soft pink look, apply a lip liner to your lips and then apply Red or plum lipstick to the lips. And then add lip gloss to the center of the lips to give a plump lip effect.

So, this is the final look. This is a very soft makeup look and just perfect for engagement and parties. If you want it to be more dramatic, just use a bold lipstick and a winged liner.

Try this pretty soft makeup and flaunt in style. And, please don’t forget to let us know, how much you liked it.


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